Chapter Activity Reports

Cornell Chapter Faculty Wine and Cheese

Originally posted by Rebecca S. Terry

Every semester members of the Cornell chapter host a faculty wine and cheese. The event is a way to get to know the faculty better and show them our house. As always, there is a variety of wine and cheese to sample. Since members are from different majors it provides an opportunity to get to know professors outside of one’s major. It is also an opportunity for members to practice wearing business professional dress. Chronicler, Danielle Sanok, planned this year’s wine and cheese. The event is put on every fall semester, with a faculty dinner every spring. The wine and cheese was a great success and we look forward to the next faculty event.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4042)/Comments (0)/
Green Mountain Chapter Pancake Breakfast

Green Mountain Chapter Pancake Breakfast

Originally posted by Ashley M. Ackert

On November 10, the Alpha Zeta Green Mountain Chapter at the University of Vermont hosted and prepared a pancake breakfast for interested community members and students. Pancakes, homemade applesauce and fresh pressed cider was prepared by the members. Proceeds from the breakfast went to Green Mountain Farm-to-School, an Vermont organization that seeks to make elementary school lunches healthier and promote buying locally. Approximately $200 was raised during the event. Eight Alpha Zeta members, six of them being officers, helped out. There were about 40 attendees which were a mix of students and their families, as well as faculty from the university.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4013)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter Family Day 2012

Florida Chapter Family Day 2012

Originally posted by Audrey S. Knickerbocker

The weekend of November 16th was deemed Family weekend for the Florida Chapter of Alpha Zeta.  Members attended Woodser on Friday night complete with a huge bonfire, smores galore, and plenty of jokes and laughter.  It was a great night to get to know each and every one of our members a little more.  We even had a few esteemed alumni attend!  We continued family weekend the next day by having a BBQ tailgate before the UF vs. Jacksonville State football game.  Many members had family members come and it was a great time to eat some delicious food, meet the families of members, and get pumped for a Gator win!  Family Weekend was a huge hit this Fall, and we are excited to continue the tradition in upcoming years!
Monday, November 26, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3675)/Comments (0)/

Florida Chapter Initiates Fall 2012 Pledges

Originally posted by Audrey S. Knickerbocker

Last Tuesday, November 20th, the Florida Chapter of Alpha Zeta had the privilege of initiating 10 new members.  The evening started out with mingling and networking between sponsors, pledges, and others in attendance.  Initiation rituals were conducted and the pledges became official members of the Florida Chapter of Alpha Zeta.  It was an exciting night for everyone in attendance.  Pledges finally saw all their hard work during the semester pay off.  The evening continued with a delicious dinner, speeches, and awards for the pledges.  All officers in attendance voted on the best pledge paddle, and that person was recognized with a gift basket of goodies!  All the pledge paddles looked great, so it was a tough decision!  We were unexpectedly honored to have the dean of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Dean Balser, in attendance for the ceremonies.  All in all, it was a joyous night for everyone and we wish the best of luck to our new members of the Florida Chapter!
Monday, November 26, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3744)/Comments (0)/

Cornell Pumpkin Carving

Originally posted by Rebecca S. Terry

Members of the Cornell chapter celebrated Halloween with pumpkin carving! The night before Halloween actives gathered to show off their pumpkin carving skills. Some members carved their pumpkin in the traditional jack-o-lantern style while others took a unique approach and carved something related to agriculture. Of course the night was completed with roasted pumpkin seeds and lighting the candles inside the jack-o-lanterns to show off everyone’s hard work.
Sunday, November 25, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3482)/Comments (0)/

Cornell Chapter Participates in a Corn Maze

Originally posted by Rebecca S. Terry

Actives from the Cornell chapter joined other agricultural organizations on campus to participate in a corn maze. A few of the other clubs who participated included Collegiate FFA and the National Society for Collegiate Scholars. Since we attended the maze at night it proved to be spooky for some! However, many choose to find their way out of the 10 acre maze without a flashlight. Everyone had a great a time and we look forward to attending again next fall. The theme for the maze changes every year, this year it was in the shape of a miniature golf course. The event was a success last year and proved to be just as much fun this year.
Sunday, November 25, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4050)/Comments (0)/
NC Pool Battleship

NC Pool Battleship

Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby

This semester, NC State University’s Campus Recreation hosted a Pool Battleship Tournament on November 8th. Six brothers of the North Carolina Chapter participated in the event for the first time with an Alpha team and a Zeta team. Brothers registered online with Campus Recreation, who divided teams into five heats of eight canoes. We arrived at the campus pool fifteen minutes prior to our 6:30 start time. The object of pool battleship is to be the last boat floating, so brothers had to bring tools. Three brothers were in a canoe and either threw water into other canoes with bowls or used a plastic shield to block water. There were no paddles, so teams had to work together to stay balanced while moving...
Wednesday, November 21, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4582)/Comments (0)/

NC Sends Cards to Troops

Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby

Ten brothers of the North Carolina Chapter sent at least two Christmas cards for troops. The service committee sent out information about Operation Christmas Cards requirements so that brothers could turn in cards at our regular business meeting on November 14th. Cards were filled with encouraging words to thank soldiers for their service and sacrificing their time over the holidays. Brothers enjoyed decorating the cards and envelopes. The service committee mailed the letters to meet the November 25th deadline. This project is a great way for our chapter to support and show appreciation for the sacrifices of America’s amazing servicemen and women.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4162)/Comments (0)/

NC Sends Operation Christmas Child Boxes

Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby

When brothers of the North Carolina Chapter heard about Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child program, they were eager to participate. The service committee sent out information about the boxes, label and shipping fees so that brothers could turn in boxes at our regular business meetings on November 7th and 14th. Twenty brothers filled empty shoe or plastic boxes to send to children around the world. Boxes could be designed for boys or girls ages 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14. Items in the boxes included toys, school supplies, hygiene items, hard candy, t-shirts, and personal notes. Brothers paid a $7 shipping fee for their box. The service committee delivered the boxes to a drop-off location so that the boxes could meet the National Collection Week deadline of November 19th. This project is a great way to spread joy during the holiday season and put a smile on a child’s face.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4017)/Comments (0)/
Cornell chapter hosts a booth at the National FFA Convention

Cornell chapter hosts a booth at the National FFA Convention

Originally posted by Rebecca S. Terry

The Cornell Chapter of Alpha Zeta Fraternity hosted an Alpha Zeta booth proudly representing the National Alpha Zeta Fraternity in the FFA Career & College Expo at the 2012 National FFA Convention...
Sunday, November 18, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4251)/Comments (0)/