2025 AZ Summit and 59th Biennial Conclave

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should attend?
The High Council encourages all Chapters/Colonies to send at least one Active Student Member participant. All Active Student Members in good standing are encouraged to attend.  Guests and students from universities wishing to start AZ Colonies or reactivate AZ Chapters are also welcome (contact the National Office for details).


Can we pay with separate checks/credit cards?
All registration must be done through your local Chapter/Colony.  The Chapter/Colony will collect all of the fees for participants from your Chapter/Colony.  The Chapter/Colony will then remit those registration fees to the AZ National Office from an invoice received via AZNetwork.  You’ll pay your registration fees to your Chapter/Colony in the same way that you pay any other fee to your Chapter/Colony.

What do I need for the conference?
The most important thing to bring is a positive attitude and a willingness to have fun.  You should also bring the appropriate attire as outlined in the conference schedule.  You might also want to bring a notebook and something with which to write.


Do I need my AZ pin?
Yes. Members should wear their pins at all formal events, especially national conferences. Wear your pin as part of your attire during meetings and workshops.


How can my chapter host a future Conclave or Summit?
Chapters interested in bidding on a future National Conference may contact the National Office to submit a proposal or express your interest in hosting a future conference. Proposals must be submitted to National Office a year in advance of the Conclave or Summit for which the chapter is bidding. Chapters should be prepared to secure local speakers and ag tours and to assist with identifying/securing meeting facilities and transportation and audio-visual equipment.

What is the cancellation and refund policy?

100% refunds will be issued to Chapters/Colonies that request them via e-mail to info@alphazeta.org before February 24, 2025.  50% refunds will be issued to Chapters/Colonies that request them via e-mail to info@alphazeta.org between February 25, 2025, and March 14, 2025.  No refunds will be issued on or after March 27, 2024.  Refunds checks will be mailed to Chapters/Colonies approximately one month after the conference.

Can we substitute another person if a registered member cannot attend?
Yes, substitutions are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

·        If the original participant was matched with roommates from other Chapters/Colonies, the substitute must have the same roommate preferences as the original participant.

·        If the original participant was rooming exclusively with other participants from his/her Chapter/Colony, it will be left to the Chapter/Colony to determine whether or not the rooming situation works for all involved.

·       A $20.00 substitution fee must be paid by the Chapter/Colony in advance of the meeting via an invoice issued via AZNetwork.



What’s the Banner Contest?
Each participating Chapter/Colony is encouraged to create a banner.  Design and create a chapter banner incorporating the principles of Alpha Zeta and elements representing your Chapter/Colony/University. The banner should be no larger than a flat top sheet for a twin bed (66" x 96") -- you can even use a sheet if you want.  Bragging rights are on the line!  Click here for more information.



How Does the T-Shirt Exchange Work?
Each participant brings a T-shirt from their Chapter/Colony, an AZ event they attended, or their university to trade with other members. This event is generally held Thursday night as an ice breaker.


What if I have other questions that aren't addressed on this page?
Just contact the AZ National Office for help.  Call or text 636-449-5090 or e-mail info@alphazeta.org.