Chapter Activity Reports

NC Intramural 3on3 Basketball

Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby

Three brothers of the North Carolina Chapter formed an intramural basketball team by signing up with campus recreation. Jacob Pearce, Will Graham and Benjamin Mills finished the season with a record of 4 wins and 4 losses. They were one of the few chapter teams to make it to the playoff round in campus intramural events.  Games were 20-minute continuos periods each Thursday in October and November. They had a lot of fun working together and enjoyed playing against other students. In the spring semester, the chapter hopes to participate in regular 5on5 basketball as well.
Saturday, November 10, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3678)/Comments (0)/
NC Volleyball Games Three and Four

NC Volleyball Games Three and Four

Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby

On October 31st at 9pm, four brothers played in two rounds of volleyball against another campus group. Although we did not come out with a victory, our team worked well together to play over 30 minutes of volleyball. Six brothers were ready to play the next game on November 7th. The team won after three rounds and close to an hour of volleyball. The team enjoys laughing and spending time together. This also provides an opportunity to network with other campus groups.
Saturday, November 10, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3787)/Comments (0)/
NC Sweet Potato Gleaning

NC Sweet Potato Gleaning

Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby

The North Carolina Chapter participates in the College of Agriculture and Life Science’s Agri-Life Council with other groups within the college. The council invited brothers to participate in a service project with Wake Interfaith Food Shuttle on November 9th. Four brothers traveled to Johnston County to glean sweet potatoes. We collected leftover potatoes that were not picked up with tractors. We enjoyed digging around the roots for over two hours and collected about 100 pounds of potatoes per person.  It was surprising how relaxing the dirt was and we really enjoyed the project which helps feed hungry people. The event was a great opportunity to interact with students from other organizations within the college.
Saturday, November 10, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4411)/Comments (0)/
NC Post Election Service Project

NC Post Election Service Project

Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby

One of NC State University’s most treasured landmarks is the Free Expression Tunnel under a railroad track that runs through the middle of our campus. Students are free to paint anything they would like in this tunnel and it is also the site of campus events and celebrations. The Union Activities Board decided to have a party outside the tunnel after the polls closed on Election Day in order to create a feeling of campus unity. The event also promoted positive artwork in the tunnel...
Saturday, November 10, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3879)/Comments (0)/
NC Concert Fundraiser

NC Concert Fundraiser

Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby

he North Carolina Chapter is proud to have brothers who are involved in major campus activities. Lauryn Collier is president of NC State’s Union Activities Board, which runs events such as concerts, movies and festivals to give students a chance to relax. This year Lauryn has encouraged the chapter to become more involved in campus activities and notified us of a fundraising opportunity at the Homecoming Pack Howl Concert Pep Rally.  Before the concert, the fundraising committee purchased 2,000 bottles of water to sell and delivered them to Reynolds Coliseum the following evening.  Seven brothers sold water bottles from 6pm to midnight on November 1st.  Alpha Zeta earned a profit of $49 and enjoyed an opportunity to work beside other campus organizations.
Saturday, November 10, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3624)/Comments (0)/
NC Oakwood Cemetery Visit

NC Oakwood Cemetery Visit

Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby

Historic Oakwood Cemetery in downtown Raleigh invites the North Carolina Chapter to help setup their annual Lantern Walk around Halloween. During the evening event, guests have the opportunity to walk through a path of luminaries through the Confederate Memorial section and watch re-enactments of civil war life in the North Carolina. All proceeds of the event go towards restoration of the cemetery. Volunteering with the cemetery is a way to pay tribute to the soldiers that lost their lives in the Civil War, while learning some history about the war and the impact of agriculture during the war...
Saturday, November 10, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3915)/Comments (0)/
Run for RAH

Run for RAH

Originally posted by Aubrey B. Weibel

On Sunday, October 28th, Cook Chapter participated in the annual charity run (and fun walk for those who just wanted to participate) for Rutgers Against Hunger (RAH). In this event, you can either compete in the 5k run or simply donate and take the leisurely 1 mile walk around Busch Campus. The run was a USATF sanctioned Grand Prix 5K and prizes were given out to the fastest runners, and the groups who had the most people participate as well as those who donated the most food. Our chapter had 12 brothers, alumni and new members participate. The food donated to RAH was used to fill pantries all over New Jersey and benefited countless hungry families. $6000 was collected and donated.
Thursday, November 8, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3970)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter Basketball Concessions Fundraiser

Florida Chapter Basketball Concessions Fundraiser

Originally posted by Nicolyn J. Rohrer

This past Thursday, November 1, 2012, the brethren of the Florida Chapter united to raise funds for their chapter. Eight brothers worked together in a concession stand at the University of Florida verses Nebraska-Kearney men’s basketball game Thursday night at 7pm. During this fundraiser brothers set up the concession stand, sold and served the concessions, and cleaned up after the game. The brother’s were lucky enough to be assigned to a very fun and interesting advisor named Oprah. Being their first time working a concession stand for Centerplate, the company that runs the concessions for these events, Oprah was both very fun and a tremendous help, even though it was her second day on the job. All in all, the event was a tremendous success and the Gator’s won 101 to 71.  Go Gators!
Saturday, November 3, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3479)/Comments (0)/
NC Spooky Dessert Potluck

NC Spooky Dessert Potluck

Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby

The North Carolina Chapter has some very creative brothers and we love to eat. The social committee organized the event by encourage people to bring creative desserts as well as providing Halloween decorations. The event began at 7pm on October 31st, half an hour before our regular business meeting. Brothers were encouraged to come in costume for a costume contest as well. 32 brothers attended the social and brought delicious dishes including pretzel spider webs, haystacks, witch’s hats, merengue ghosts, spider cookies, and ghoul punch. The social committee announced winners of the dessert and costume contests during the meeting. The costume contest had a creative category and an agriculture related category. Creative costumes included Thing One, a Spoon, Salt, and zombies. The winner of the Ag-related contest dressed up as an Artificial Inseminator. Brothers left with full stomachs and funny memories. It was a great opportunity for fellowship.
Friday, November 2, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3451)/Comments (0)/

NC Volleyball Game Two

Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby

The North Carolina Chapter is proud to have a great team of girls who are excited to play volleyball at 9:45pm after meetings.  On October 24th, six brothers played in three rounds of volleyball against another campus group. Our team lost the first round, but they battled back to win the second round. Although we did not come out with a victory in the tiebreaker, our team worked well together to play over 45 minutes of volleyball. The team enjoyed laughing and spending time together. This also provides an opportunity to network with other campus groups. The North Carolina Chapter is looking forward to the next game.
Sunday, October 28, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3671)/Comments (0)/