Chapter Activity Reports

Brother/ Pledge Event

Brother/ Pledge Event

Originally posted by Selina A. Ruzi

On Saturday October 30th, 7 pledges and 12 brothers participated in a not mandatory but really fun scavenger hunt throughout campus and the New Brunswick area.  Both the brothers and pledges split into four groups, mainly by family, and were given a time limit to complete as many tasks as they could or wanted to...
Friday, November 12, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4871)/Comments (0)/

Florida Fall '10 Bowling Social 11-11-10

Originally posted by Ashleigh Woodruff

Members of the Fall 2010 Pledge Class met up at Splitz to enjoy an afternoon of bowling and fun. This activity served as a fun time for the pledges to get to know more about one another and each other's interests. This event was planned by the pledge social committee and counted as one of their two required socials for the semester.
Thursday, November 11, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4736)/Comments (0)/

Oakwood Cemetery Presentation

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

On Wednesday October 20th, the historian from Oakwood Cemetery delivered a presentation before our regular business meeting.  He told us about the history of Oakwood cemetery and discussed ways that we could become more involved with helping the historical society.  This presentation helped to educate our new brothers and served as a reminder to our older brothers about how much the cemetery appreciates our help.
Thursday, November 11, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4766)/Comments (0)/
Dinner at El Cerro

Dinner at El Cerro

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

On Monday November 8th, ten brothers of the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta met at El Cerro Mexican restaurant for fun, fellowship, and laughter.  We enjoyed delicious Mexican food while taking a break from school to catch up.
Thursday, November 11, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4665)/Comments (0)/
North Carolina Alumni Association Meeting

North Carolina Alumni Association Meeting

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

On September 25th at 11am the North Carolina Chapter's officer team attended the NC AZ  Alumni Association meeting.  While we were there we presented to the alumni our plans for the year and answered any questions that they had.  The alumni board had some specific suggestions of goals that they would like to see accomplished within the year...
Thursday, November 11, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4827)/Comments (0)/
Oakwood Cemetery Lantern Walk

Oakwood Cemetery Lantern Walk

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

On the last Saturday night of October, which happened to be Halloween this year, the Historic Oakwood Cemetery in downtown Raleigh calls on the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta to help set up for their annual Lantern Walk through the two and one-half acres of the Confederate Cemetery. This year we had five brothers help on Oct 31st at 8:30am.  Luminaries are set up along a path throughout the cemetery. During this set up, we are also given a history of flags and of the cemetery. That night, throughout the cemetery, skits and re-enactments of life during the civil war are performed...
Thursday, November 11, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4710)/Comments (0)/
Oakwood Cemetery Clean-up

Oakwood Cemetery Clean-up

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

The NC Chapter of Alpha Zeta has had an ongoing working relationship with Oakwood Cemetery in downtown Raleigh.  Every year we help them with general maintenance and with their lantern walk.  This year eight members donated their time on Saturday, October 24th, to help with the Memory House.  We picked up trash, trimmed shrubbery, and helped remove a dead tree.  The gentlemen at the cemetery are always very excited to see us and have our help!
Thursday, November 11, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4580)/Comments (0)/
 Pork Chop Shop Fundraiser

Pork Chop Shop Fundraiser

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

The North Carolina State Fair is a ten-day annual event running October 14th-24th and is located in Raleigh. The fair brings people from all over North Carolina to Raleigh, and provides many opportunities for our members to get involved in service to agriculture. This year, over 1 million people visited the fair. Our main fundraising opportunity during the fair is through the North Carolina Pork Council. Throughout the week, at least 8 brothers a day voluteered their time working five hour shifts. We dedicated over 100 hours as a fraternity to the Pork Chop Shop...
Thursday, November 11, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4878)/Comments (0)/
Dinner at Cueva De Lobos

Dinner at Cueva De Lobos

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

On October 4th, thirty-five brothers and one alumni enjoyed a time of fellowship at Cueva De Lobos Mexican Restaurant.  While enjoying our meal we discussed multiple ideas for service and other opportunities for fellowship.  It was also a great time for us to get to know some of the fourteen new brothers that we welcomed this semester.
Thursday, November 11, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4562)/Comments (0)/

Rountable Interviews

Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

Roundtable interviews are held the Sunday after our Rush events at 12:30am on Sept. 12th in our chapter meeting room. This interview is the next step in the North Carolina Chapter's recruitment process for new brothers...
Thursday, November 11, 2010/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4558)/Comments (0)/