Chapter Activity Reports

Florida Chapter Pledge Class Plaque Cleaning Service Project

Florida Chapter Pledge Class Plaque Cleaning Service Project

Las week the pledge class of the Florida Chapter Alpha Zeta wanted to show our love and graditue to the previous brothers and our campus by cleaning and polishing our AZ plaque. We gathered together and washed, scrubbed and polished the gold plaque on campus. While getting wet and dirty, we put in a lot of elbow grease in order for our history to shine into the future. We are planning on doing this again this semester, allowing it to shine even more. - Olivia Scruggs, Pledge Class Service Chair
Wednesday, March 25, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (6347)/Comments (0)/
Character in Action-AZ Cal Epsilon

Character in Action-AZ Cal Epsilon

Brothers Nicole Borba and Melissa Jacoby work out at the Fresno State Nursery. Last Saturday they worked at of the Nursery's plant sale through the campus farmers market. These two show character through their work in agriculture! 
Sunday, March 22, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (6494)/Comments (0)/
NC Chapter winner of SMACKDOWN competition!

NC Chapter winner of SMACKDOWN competition!

The NC Chapter is proud to have won an apheresis donation competition between 7 other fraternities on NC State campus!  We were presented with a trophy, and helped save many lives!
Friday, March 20, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5476)/Comments (0)/

Florida Chapter Volunteers at Wilmot Gardens

On Saturday, February 7th, brothers from the Florida Chapter spent the morning at Wilmot Gardens.  Wilmot Gardens is a 5 acre area located on campus.  The garden serves the UF community as well as the patients receiving care at the Shands Medical Plaza adjacent to campus.  Wilmot Gardens is currently undergoing a restoration project that is focused on creating healing and meditation areas.  During our service at Wilmot Gardens, we helped with ground and plant maintenance for areas included in the restoration project.  The weather was beautiful, and we enjoyed getting our hands dirty while contributing to a garden with such a great mission for our community!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (5997)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter Just Shoe It Service Event

Florida Chapter Just Shoe It Service Event

For the first two weeks of the semester, brothers from the Florida Chapter participated in a shoe drive run by a UF student organization called Just Shoe It.  Throughout the year, Just Shoe It conducts several shoe collections, each focused on a different group of recipients.  For this collection, all donations went to local blueberry workers in need of sneakers or work boots.  It was great to be able to support local community members in agriculture!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015/Author: Anonym/Number of views (6219)/Comments (0)/