Chapter Activity Reports

AZP Recruitment Ice Cream Social / Meeting

Originally posted by Katilyn D. Stevens

Our third recruitment event was an information session in conjunction with a meeting. We ordered pizza and also had the rest of the ice cream and toppings from the previous recruitment sessions. I gave a PowerPoint presentation before the meeting and opened the floor to questions from the prospective members. This was a really great event because there was a large group of current members there to socialize with the prospectives. After the presentation and eating, we continued with our regularly scheduled meeting so they could see what a typical week in AZP would be like -- planning community service events, reviewing socials, and brainstorming for fundraisers...
Tuesday, February 21, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3444)/Comments (0)/

AZP Recruitment Ice Cream Social~2

Originally posted by Katilyn D. Stevens

This was our second ice cream social for new member recruitment. It took place in a meeting room in the Recreation and Physical Activity Center, a more central location for prospective members living in other areas on campus. We gave our presentation about Alpha Zeta Parnters and then opened the floor to questions so the students could express their thoughts to us and in turn, we could share our wonderful AZP experiences. The ice cream was great, and created a fun atmosphere for the event! We used the same supplies from the previous ice cream social, and OSU provided the technical support necessary for the presentation. This event was held on January 18, 2012.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3989)/Comments (0)/

AZP Recruitment Ice Cream Social

Originally posted by Katilyn D. Stevens

Our chapter began the recruiting season, on January 17, 2012, with and ice cream social at OSU's agricultural living-learning community, Norton House. Here, around 15 prospective members gathered with 5 current AZP members to eat some ice cream and learn about our great honorary. Prospective students were invited to join over winter break; we sent letters to their parents and a copy of all the information was sent via email to the students in an effort to be more environmentally friendly, rather than sending the normal two hard copies. To prepare for the event, a new PowerPoint was created to urge these students to join AZP. We purchased ice cream and toppings, and they were a hit with our prospective members! After the presentation, we held a question-answer session with the panel of current members that attended. The event was a great success!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3657)/Comments (0)/
Brothers and Alumni Recruit New Members

Brothers and Alumni Recruit New Members

Originally by Vincenzo Averello IV

Brothers gathered at the Cook Campus Responsible Drinking Happy Hour to help recruit at one of the most active events held on campus each months. There the brothers ran the now annual event of "Guess Dr. Clark's Beard Length." Also there the Cook Community Alumni Association was present to try and get the student to interact and meet with them. This was a fun event and many potential new members were there.
Sunday, February 12, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3637)/Comments (0)/


Originally posted by Aubrey B. Weibel

On the night of February 1st, Cook Chapter planned a recruitment event that would leave everyone in a sugar rush. We made a fire outside the Campus Center and invited anyone who was walking around to come and make a S'more. A lot of people burned their marshmallows and claimed that was the plan all along. It was a great way to promote our name on campus and announce our presence to potential pledges. We gave out a lot of pledge flyers and are hoping to see a great turnout this semester.
Sunday, February 12, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3515)/Comments (0)/
UF Student Organization Fair Recruitment 1/20/12

UF Student Organization Fair Recruitment 1/20/12

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

The University of Florida puts on an annual event for students showcasing a variety of student organizations on campus. The event took place on the colonnade in from of the student union. The event gave the Florida Chapter of Alpha Zeta the opportunity to show individuals that will be invited later this month and other attendees who we are and what we are about. Members got the chance to talk with attendees about AZ, the events we do, and their personal experiences as a member....
Sunday, January 22, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3782)/Comments (0)/
Cook AZ Applebees Social

Cook AZ Applebees Social

Originally posted by Aubrey B. Weibel

On September 28th, as part of rush week, Cook AZ brought the new potential pledges to Applebees to socialize and get to know each other and the brothers better. Mostly everyone ordered half price appetizers or deserts, but everyone had fun running around trying to meet all of the new Sigma class. A lot of the brothers used this opportunity to see if they clicked with any of the pledges, to decide if they wanted a Little this semester or not. It was a great turn out and everyone went home happy.
Thursday, November 10, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3372)/Comments (0)/
Cornell Greek Weekend

Cornell Greek Weekend

Originally posted by Emmaline A. Long

As some of you may have heard, the president of Cornell University is really cracking down on the Greek system this year and as a result, the Greek system has had to be creative in the way different events are run, particularly when regarding recruitment. This semester, the Interfraternity Council (IFC) planned a Greek Preview Weekend where all fraternities had an open house event on Friday evening (10/14) and a smoker on Saturday (10/15) where freshman had the opportunity to visit houses and meet active brothers. Friday evening, our chapter planning a carnival which unfortunately had to be moved inside due to weather. Saturday we hosted a smoker that was sports themed. Unfortunately the events were not as well attended as we had hoped due to bad weather, but the actives who participated had a great time!
Monday, October 24, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3418)/Comments (0)/
UF Pledge Rush Events and Interviews

UF Pledge Rush Events and Interviews

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

The Florida Chapter of Alpha Zeta holds a series of rush events each semester to allow potential members the opportunity to interact with current members and find out a little bit more about what Alpha Zeta is at UF. The rush events for this year consisted of our annual event Bat Watching with the Chancellor, and a few new events like Swing Dancing and a Road Clean-up. The events were a great time for potential pledges to get a feel for what events we do and see if they like how they fit in our chapter...
Monday, September 26, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4067)/Comments (0)/

NC Roundtable Interviews

Originally posted by Madeline N. Dabolt

On Sunday September 11th, the brothers of the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta met to interview our potential candidates.  We all met at Weaver labs at 11am in business professional dress and brought breakfast or brunch items to share.  We started the day by welcoming the potential candidates, showing them a slide show presentation of some of our activities, and singing the AZ friendship song.  These interviews gave us an opportunity to get to know these talented individuals and a time for them to ask us questions...
Thursday, September 22, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3133)/Comments (0)/