Chapter Activity Reports

2-05 Poe Springs Tree Planting Service

2-05 Poe Springs Tree Planting Service

Originally posted by Ashleigh Woodruff

The Florida chapter of Alpha Zeta helped plant young trees at one of our many local springs, Poe Springs. This project benefited those that participated by being out in nature and helping the environment by planting trees. The chapter participated because this was yet another perfect way to promote agriculture. Planning included knowing what time to meet up, organizing a carpool, and providing directions to the springs.
Sunday, February 13, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4000)/Comments (0)/

Grilled Cheese for Diseases!

Originally posted by Stephanie M. Neal

We organized a fundraiser called Grilled Cheeses for Diseases. For this event we partnered with ATZ Farmhouse Fraternity and used their house to make grilled cheeses that were sold to students walking by. All the proceeds went to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. This event was a great way to bring the members from each class together in a fun way that benefited a great cause. Our chapter participated because we wanted to do something that we never tried before and everyone really seemed to have enjoyed themselves. The chair of the social and community service committee organized the event with the help of her committee and ATZ members. We distributed flyers on campus, made a facebook group and made posters advertising the event.
Monday, February 7, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3995)/Comments (0)/
Service Leadership Experience

Service Leadership Experience

Originally posted by Jacqueline Armstrong

On the 20thof January ten Americans arrived in Puerto Rico from different states, including New Jersey, North Carolina, California and Missouri.The first day we picked them up at the capital of the island, San Juan and then traveled to where they were going to stay.We took a walk around the town to show them about the culture.The second day we visited "Casa Pueblo” in Adjuntas...
Sunday, February 6, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3783)/Comments (0)/
Conservation trust of Puerto Rico

Conservation trust of Puerto Rico

Originally posted by Jacqueline Armstrong

Some members of Alpha Zeta participated in a workshop offered to the scientific community by The Conservation Trust of Puerto Rico, which is a non-profit organization that protects the Island’s natural resources. They develop programs aimed at educating the public about environmental issues. During the workshop we study the bats excrement to thereby determine which bats were responsible for the dispersion of native trees and plants.
Saturday, February 5, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3948)/Comments (0)/
Coffee Farm Cleaning

Coffee Farm Cleaning

Originally posted by Jacqueline Armstrong

On February 5th, Alpha Zeta visited the "Farm of Octavio" in Lares, Puerto Rico. This farm consists mostly of coffee, plantains and some oranges. It is 25 acres but not all of it is in production at the moment. Currently, the owner is trying to stabilize the conditions that are not producing to begin planting. The purpose of the activity was to help those areas that were full of weeds, grass and trees to provide a better planting condition for the owner. We started helping by cleaning out most of the area where the coffee is going to be planted. This was done with machetes due to the high costs associated with machinery and equipment, which also carries away the soil layers containing organic matter. After hard work, the owner served us food made in wood, something very typical of rural area.
Saturday, February 5, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4040)/Comments (0)/
1-29 Road Clean-Up Service

1-29 Road Clean-Up Service

Originally posted by Ashleigh Woodruff

The Florida chapter of Alpha Zeta adopted a road several years ago and in order to keep this road we have to do a certain number of road clean-ups within a year's time. Of course, we don't mind and enjoy making sure trash gets put where it belongs! We usually do our road clean-ups on Saturday mornings, so our service chair, Kaitlyn Summerfield, plans for those attending to meet in a parking lot on campus and carpool over. Planning involves pickin up the supplies ahead of time and bringing it to our AZ road. This is always a great way to get outside and socialize while cleaning our environment!
Saturday, January 29, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3707)/Comments (0)/
Recycling for You, your Community and Puerto Rico

Recycling for You, your Community and Puerto Rico

Originally posted by Jacqueline Armstrong

This activity was conducted by the Committee on Environment and Recycling of Alpha Zeta and a group of students enrolled in the course INTD (University Institute for Community Development), which is a course in community work. This course is based on work in a community during the semester helping community leaders to community development. Performing tasks such  as community gardens, home maintenance, tutoring, etc. This group is working to develop a curbside recycling system in the Terrace community...
Tuesday, January 4, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3833)/Comments (0)/
Volunteer Work at the Salvation Army

Volunteer Work at the Salvation Army

Originally posted by Jacqueline Armstrong

On Saturday, November 6th, Alpha Zeta volunteers at the Salvation Army, community center located at Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The community center needed to clean up their warehouse that was at that moment full of objects and materials that will be distributed to those in need of them. Our job was to organize those items in boxes according to their use. At the end of the morning we had prepared about thirty-five boxes, which mostly contained, toys, rulers, sharpeners, and brushes.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3635)/Comments (0)/
Middle School Conference about Agriculture

Middle School Conference about Agriculture

Originally posted by Jacqueline Armstrong

On November 4th, a group of six Alpha Zeta members, whose labor is to promote agriculture through education to the community, offered a conference at a middle school in Aguada, Puerto Rico. It was attended by thirty-three children of the seventh, eighth, and ninth grade. During the discussion we talked about what agriculture means to them, explained its importance to all of us, and its current situation. They also had the opportunity to learn about the different departments that the College of Agricultural Sciences at Mayaguez Campus has and to see and ask questions about different pictures taken in the laboratories, of the common practices carried out in each one. They also learned about several associations dedicated to agriculture and the work we do as members of Alpha Zeta.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3830)/Comments (0)/

Woodlands Service Project

Originally posted by Selina A. Ruzi

On December 4th, before Formal, 10 brothers carpooled out to Woodlands Wildlife Refuge to help winterize the facility. This included cleaning out the outdoor cages as well as the many of the other holding pens inside the building and the garage. The Refuge has many animals including bear cubs, which can be seen in the outdoor pens though brothers were not allowed to get to close or talk near them in the hopes that they would not get used to people. Despite the cold it was a fun way to give back. These 10 brothers accumulated a total of 36 hours of service for the Refuge. The event was planned by our Service Committee with help from two of our fellow brothers who have volunteered at the Refuge in the past.
Sunday, January 2, 2011/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3871)/Comments (0)/