Alumni News

North Carolina Chapter Participates in Service Raleigh Clean-up

North Carolina Chapter Participates in Service Raleigh Clean-up

Author: Lauren Myers/Friday, April 30, 2021/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Service to Community, North Carolina

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On Saturday, April 17, six Active Brothers of the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta participated in a Service Raleigh project! Service Raleigh is an organization that organizes a day of service for the entire city of Raleigh where volunteers from the community participate in a variety of service projects. The NC Chapter was assigned clean-up along and behind Hillsborough Street across from NC State’s campus. Brothers picked up a total of 3 large bags of trash. It was a great day to participate in service along with others across the city of Raleigh. Thank you to Brother Deese and Brother Furr for presenting this opportunity to the Brotherhood.


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