Alumni News

North Carolina Chapter Goes to NALC Chapter Leadership Summit October 27th, 2019

North Carolina Chapter Goes to NALC Chapter Leadership Summit October 27th, 2019

Author: Whitney Wilgus/Monday, December 16, 2019/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Activity Type:, Alumni Relations, Chapter Development, Fellowship, Chapter Name:, North Carolina

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On the weekend of October 25th to October 27th, Chancellor Mikayla Graham and Censor Julia McInnerney took a trip to Grand Rapids, Michigan for the Chapter Leadership Summit. After they returned, they shared with the officer team and the rest of the brotherhood, what they learned about the future of NALC and the ways to revamp our Recruitment Process.

Chancellor Graham discussed how we need to support Recruitment in order to achieve more funding for the National Chapter so we can all have more National Events. She explained that there is a possibility for NALC to be hosted by a Chapter, where our North Carolina Chapter may host first! We also discussed the presence of a LinkedIn group for Alpha Zeta as a whole. Censor McInnerney introduced us all to the New Recruitment Plan done through Chapter Builder and adding events such as All Inclusive Farm Tours and Ice Cream/ Hot Chocolate Socials prior to Rush Week. Most importantly, we have a plan for each Brother to invite at least 3 people they know to join Alpha Zeta.

We hope that the knowledge gained from this National Summit will help continue the legacy of Alpha Zeta both at N.C. State University and Nationally!


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