Alumni News

Cornell AZ Gets Goofy at Winter-Themed Formal November 30, 2018

Cornell AZ Gets Goofy at Winter-Themed Formal November 30, 2018

Author: Whitney Wilgus/Tuesday, February 19, 2019/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Activity Type:, Fellowship, Chapter Name:, Cornell

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Our very own senior and Social Chair Stephanie Bishop, along with her team of social committee helpers, awed us once again with incredible event-planning skills.  After many hours of behind-the-scenes detail ironing, they were able to transform 214 Thurston Ave into a jaw-dropping winter wonderland.  Actives and dates enjoyed a fancy dinner of chicken marsala, cooked by our very own chef, Peter Seznec, around tables worthy of magazine ads.  Many of the AZ women sported flower headbands made by Active Nicole Menetski (pictured center), which made for great picture taking by the backdrop.  Everyone enjoyed the semesterly formal event as all the stresses of schoolwork were forgotten for this one night at the end of fall semester.


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