Alumni News

NC Chapter Volunteers at Moonlight at the Garden

Author: Whitney Wilgus/Monday, November 26, 2018/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Service to College or Campus, North Carolina

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Every year, the JC Raulston Arboretum at NC State University holds the event “Moonlight in the Garden.” For this event, the Arboretum teams up with Southern Lights of Raleigh and the North Carolina Agricultural foundation. This beautiful accumulation of plants and lights also offers food trucks, hot apple cider, live music, and marshmallows with fire pits. The two weekends of this event are the only times that the Arboretum charges for entry. These funds, along with many sponsors, allow this garden to remain open for the remainder of the year free of admission. Brothers from the North Carolina Chapter love this event, and are always eager to volunteer and help out the Arboretum. This year, brothers assisted with parking and directing traffic to the event. When traffic slowed down, some of the brothers assisted with other activities, including watching certain exhibits to make sure nothing was broken, handing out hot cider, and assisting at a children interactive station with chalk boards. Though the nights were cold, it was very much worth dealing with some cold weather to help such an amazing addition to NC States Campus remain active year-round.


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