Alumni News

North Carolina Chapter Introduces Nine New Brothers to the Fraternity

North Carolina Chapter Introduces Nine New Brothers to the Fraternity

Author: Whitney Wilgus/Tuesday, October 2, 2018/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, New Member Development, North Carolina

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This fall, we welcomed nine new brothers to our fraternity! New Member Education Week began with an interview process where we learned about the new brothers and their interests. Following this process, there was a weekend trip to the Betsy-Jeff Penn 4H Camp. Here, the new brothers bonded with their bigs and each other as they learned more about our fraternity. The brotherhood then spent a few hours performing a service project where we took down an old split rail fence on the 4H camp’s property. Many ceremonies and events throughout the next week strengthened the bond between the new brothers and their love for Alpha Zeta. Now these nine brothers will help us in our mission to advocate for agriculture as well as contribute to our growing community. Thank you to Censor Clark for working hard to make this week amazing for our new brothers and keeping things running smoothly!

A big welcome to:

Brother Taylor Bingham

Brother Amanda DeLucia

Brother Meghan Donahue

Brother Cari Mitchell

Brother Hannah Payunk

Brother Tessa Peerbolte

Brother Kristina Phelps

Brother Candace Redmon

Brother Emma Westbrook


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