Alumni News

North Carolina Chapter Tours Rogers Cattle Company!

North Carolina Chapter Tours Rogers Cattle Company!

Author: Ashlyn Britt/Monday, April 16, 2018/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Promotion of Agriculture, Chapter Development, Fellowship, North Carolina

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On April 15th, several brothers took a trip out to Roxboro, North Carolina to spend a beautiful Sunday morning at Rogers Cattle Company. Rogers Cattle Company is owned by Johnny and Sharon Rogers and prides itself in pasture-raised beef and sheep. Their farm is home to red Angus cattle and hair sheep. The Rogers' showed us around their operation and discussed their passions for agriculture. We were greeted by their cattle's bodyguards with a few barks, wiggly tails, and wet noses. As we looked around the farm we saw about 200 sheep in the front pasture, a few red Angus bulls, and some heifers. They also have about 27 acres of solar farm land, which they also use for sheep grazing. They brought us to a barn that housed some lambs, which was probably the brother's favorite part. After we got our fill of the baby lambs, they led us over the rolling hills to a pasture in the back of their property where we were greeted with the moos of cows and calves alike. They discussed their operational decisions and gave us advice for if we ever decided to start our own operation. As a chapter, we love meeting local farmers and discussing the industry and their operations. 


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