Alumni News

North Carolina Chapter Welcomes 6 New Brothers!

North Carolina Chapter Welcomes 6 New Brothers!

Author: Ashlyn Britt/Thursday, March 1, 2018/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, New Member Development, Promotion of Agriculture, Chapter Development, Fellowship, North Carolina

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This spring we welcomed six new brothers into our brotherhood! Each of them worked very hard throughout the week to get to know the brothers and the history of Alpha Zeta. We began with an interview process which resulted in an invitation to retreat. We went to the beautiful Milstone 4-H Camp in Richmond County, North Carolina where we enjoyed the great outdoors and also completed a service project of replacing a fence for the camp. New brothers and old brothers alike worked hard to complete it within a couple of hours as well as spent quality time together. As the week went on each new brother grew as an individual but also as a team. We are excited to welcome these new brothers and the talents and passions they bring with them. Big thanks to Censor Kaitlyn Markey for helping this week run smoothly. 


Please welcome:

Brother Julia McInnerney

Brother Joey Mitchell

Brother Ashley Pouncey

Brother Leigh Premo

Brother Kelsey Williams

Brother Tucker Worley


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