Alumni News

NC chapter visits The Hill of Berries Farm

NC chapter visits The Hill of Berries Farm

Author: Audrey Earnhardt/Sunday, April 9, 2017/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Alumni Relations, Chapter Development, Fellowship, North Carolina

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            On a beautiful Sunday morning, the day after April Fool’s, the brothers of the North Carolina chapter of Alpha Zeta toured The Hill of Berries farm. This farm is located in the northern part of NC and is actually owned and run by an alumnus of our chapter of Alpha Zeta and his son, Bryce Berryhill, who is also a current active brother. We had the opportunity to see all of the equipment that is used on the farm and learn about tobacco production, of which North Carolina is the top producing state. The Berryhill’s also shared with us how they raise beef cattle and chop and sell firewood on top of producing tobacco. After the tour of their farm, Bryce’s mom made us a wonderful lunch that was absolutely delicious. Going on this farm tour was very educational and gave us the great opportunity to be able to bond with our fellow brothers. It was also nice to see where and how one of our very own brothers grew up.


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