Alumni News

3/9/17: Florida Chapter in Key West

3/9/17: Florida Chapter in Key West

Volunteering with FKNMS Kayaking Through the Channel

Author: Katie Groves/Thursday, March 16, 2017/Categories: Service to Community, Chapter Development, Florida

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The last day of the brother’s service with FKNMS ended with a day spent kayaking through the channel of Key West. The brothers had a fun and enjoyable day kayaking through the mangroves and learning about the diverse habitat that mangroves support while also working hard picking up trash. The waterway the brothers kayaked through was 2 miles in length and they picked up trash along the way. There was a lot of trash, even in the channel where there is not a lot of traffic, because trash washes up into the mangroves and tangled within them. One instance in particular, the brothers stopped because they saw a few cans on the land; they soon discovered “Busch Island.” Busch Island is very close to a roadway; there were many Busch cans on this side of the waterway and, therefore, received a special name because of the sheer amount of cans that were collected by the brothers. The amount of trash the brothers collected on this day was close to 500 lbs and included things such as cans, plastics, food and food containers, and much more.

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