Alumni News

3/8/17: Florida Chapter in Key West

3/8/17: Florida Chapter in Key West

Volunteering with FKNMS at Boca Chica Beach

Author: Katie Groves/Thursday, March 16, 2017/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Chapter Development, Florida, Chapter Spotlight

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Wednesday of the brothers' spring break service trip was spent with the NOAA affiliates at Boca Chica Beach on Boca Chica Key. The brothers spent about four hours of their day cleaning up trash along the line of the beach. The stretch of beach line the brothers cleaned was 2 miles in length and they collected over 500 lbs of trash that day. The trash they found included a lot of micro plastics, Styrofoam, plastic bottles, cans, rope, and containers. While cleaning along the shoreline, the brothers came across a fort structure that is a popular site among the locals of the area. The fort had been constructed and decorated by the locals. The fort, on the outside, was a bunch of trees stacked on top of each other with ornaments hanging off of the tree from “trash” found around the beach. Some of the items that were used as decoration included cans and bottles constructed to make ornaments, a broken and rusted scooter, and netting. The fort also included some rooms that were made by digging a hole into the ground and put chairs in for seating. In addition to seeing the fort, the brothers also came across a painting on the walk way. The Gator Nation is everywhere!

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