Alumni News

NC Chapter Biannual Retreat Service Event

NC Chapter Biannual Retreat Service Event

Author: Audrey Earnhardt/Saturday, March 4, 2017/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Service to Community, Chapter Development, Fellowship, North Carolina

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Every semester the North Carolina Chapter gets the privilege to head out towards our coast and participate in a service event at the quaint Roanoke Christian Service Camp. Over the many years we have done various projects for the camp to prepare for the coming summer season, so much so that we believe we have basically built the camp ourselves. This semester, on February 4th, we continued with a project we had started during the fall semester. The camp director had decided that the boy’s dormitory was too dark and wanted to paint it a light blue to help lighten it up. We were able to add another layer to the paint and also painted the doors and door frames of the many rooms white. While there we were also able to help the director clean out a room and hang some new LED light fixtures in the dorm. It is always a joy to volunteer at the camp because of the beautiful view of the sound it provides. Even though we were only there for a few hours we were able to help the camp director achieve a few different projects that would have taken him at least a week to do by himself. It’s always a good feeling to help make a difference and to bond as a brotherhood at the same time.


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