Alumni News

NC Fall New Member Education Week

NC Fall New Member Education Week

Author: Audrey Earnhardt/Saturday, March 4, 2017/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, New Member Development, Alumni Relations, Chapter Development, North Carolina

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The North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta had the pleasure of adding nine new Brothers to our chapter this past fall semester. Each candidate went through the same traditions as all the Brothers before them and learned a great deal about our chapter, our state's agriculture, and Alpha Zeta. The purpose of New Member Education Week is to teach prospective brothers the importance of teamwork to accomplish a common goal. We started the week with retreat which allows the Big Brother’s to bond with their little and for the candidates to get to know each other as a candidate class. We all participated in a service project the next morning doing various projects around the camp, which really helped the director of the camp to prepare for camp this coming summer. As we continued through the week the candidates went through a multitude of ceremonies and learned about the love that we as brothers have for this fraternity and for each other. These nine Brothers are all dedicated and passionate individuals who are going to excel in Alpha Zeta and continue to promote agriculture!


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