Alumni News

FL Chapter Rose Sale

FL Chapter Rose Sale

Author: Jennifer Glass/Tuesday, March 15, 2016/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Fundraising, Promotion of Agriculture, Chapter Development, Fellowship, Florida

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Throughout the month of February, the Florida chapter of Alpha Zeta was hard at work collecting orders for our traditional Valentine's Day Rose Sale! We sent out order forms to every department on campus in order to sell the most roses: It was no easy task! Boxes full of pink, red, and white roses were delivered to our fundraising chair's doorstep bright and early on Thursday morning, then transported for holding at the Department of Entomology and Nematology. Our brothers had a fantastic time preparing the roses by trimming thorns, cutting stems, wrapping bouquets, and writing out love message tags. The following day, we made free deliveries to faculty members on campus and even some surprise visits to apartments around town to deliver to the buyers' valentines. The leftover roses were sold in Turlington plaza to students passing by. I'd like to say our sign dancing racked up a ton of customers! Overall, the sale was a ton of fun and really successful. We sold out of all of our roses and raised a large chunk of our goal for NALC!

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David Headley

3/17/2016 8:57 AM

Great way to raise funds for NALC!

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