Chapter Activity Reports

Oklahoma State University's Chapter of Alpha Zeta

Oklahoma State University's Chapter of Alpha Zeta

Christmas Party and Angel Tree Donations

On November 20th, our Organization held our annual Christmas party in which we had a secret santa exchange, played Christmas games, ate wonderful snacks, and had an ugly sweater contest. This wasn't all we did during this meeting, along with this we also decorated Christmas trees for families in need in Stillwater, Oklahoma, collected cans for our local food pantry, and collected money for Angel Tree. We raised $304 that was able to be spent on one little girl and one little boy in the Stillwater area so that they could have a magical Christmas. Our shopping trip was on December 9th and we bought legos, kitchen sets, gift cards, stuffed animals, clothes, and much more. It was truly a moving night and it is so amazing seeing a group of such amazing members and pledges wanting to change the world and help those in need around them. It was such a wonderful evening.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (4242)/Comments (0)/

NC paints the free expression tunnel with Dean Linton

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

On Wednesday September 25th  from 1pm to 2pm, a few brothers of the North Carolina Chapter, including all five officers, spray painted the free expression tunnel on NC State University’s main campus to promote the ice cream social for Dean Linton’s new ice cream flavor. The brothers and dean spray painted the date, time, and location of the event. Also cherries and phrases like "delicious” were spray painted to represent the ice cream flavor and entice the students into attending the event. All of the brothers and the dean were covered in paint and spray paint by the end of the event.  It was a pleasure to be able to have some fun with the new Dean of CALS and get to know him a little better on a little more personal level. 
Sunday, January 5, 2014/Author: Mike Cooke/Number of views (3815)/Comments (0)/