Chapter Activity Reports

Ag Forum

Originally posted by Jamie L. Jordan

Author: Alpha Zeta/Wednesday, May 5, 2010/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

During Agriculture Awareness Week we hold a forum regarding the issues in agriculture to help educate the brotherhood, as well as the public.  We advertise this forum throughout the week through flyers and word of mouth.  This year the forum was held on Thursday evening, and was about how to start a career in agriculture, no matter what type of background you have.  Commissioner of Agriculture, Steve Troxler, opened up the forum by giving his story of how he became involved in Agriculture and how he got to where he is today.  We then heard from 3 other individuals, including Jerome Vick who gave a tour last year at his farm for NALC!  The floor was then opened up for questions. We had around 180 students attend this year.

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