Chapter Activity Reports

Arizona volunteers at Earth Day 2010 Festival

Author: Alpha Zeta/Friday, April 16, 2010/Categories: Chapter News

This year, The University of Arizona's Student Sustainability Initiative is partnering with two world-renowned environmental research institutes to bring Earth Day to the world like it has never been before, at Biosphere 2.  On April 17, members of the Arizona Chapter of Alpha Zeta will volunteer and take part in the Second Annual Earth Day 2010 Festival being held at Biosphere 2 near the University of Arizona.

Of the 100 student volunteers, around 15  are members of Alpha Zeta, and view Earth Day as a great chance for community service.

"We’re always looking for service events, but sometimes we have a hard time finding events that excite people enough to participate,” said environmental biology senior and current Alpha Zeta president Megan Schulte. "As soon as our advisor (Assistant Dean of Agriculture Academic Programs Elaine Marchello) brought it up, you could see people were interested, and it just took off from there.”

Alpha Zeta will be doing a variety of things at the Earth Day event, namely helping out with booths and presentations such as the insect discovery and herpetological booths.

"As a service-based group, we’re always looking to help out,” Schulte said. "Most of us have a scientific background and this sounded like something we’d be interested in.”

Join Alpha Zeta as they celebrate Earth and find ways to save our planet. 

Biosphere 2 was named one of Time Life's "50 Must-See Wonders of the World".  The Earth Day event will bring together artists, scientists, students and visitors to look out through Biosphere 2 to see the environment in new ways.

Activities to be offered include:
  • Science/Art Activities
  • Live Music
  • New Exhibits
  • Thematic Tours
  • Green Jobs Panel Discussion
  • Sky gazing from the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter telescopes

Read the full article on the

Biosphere 2 Earth Day 2010:
Now Generation Festival
Saturday, April 17
10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

See Event Flyer
Visit the Biosphere 2 Web site for more information about this event.

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