The Puerto Rico chapter has been busy all semester hosting various fundraising events for their chapter. Here is a sampling of some of their most recent events:

Haiti Fundraiser
February 21-22
As a way to help out the victims of the February 12 earthquake in Haiti,
members put a table in front of a local supermarket in the Mayagüez
Town Center to collect money and items to send to the Haiti. Items
collected included canned goods, water and first-aid supplies.
Breakfast SellMarch 8
Members volunteer to sell breakfast sandwiches, donuts, muffins and juice at a stand in Biology building of the University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez. Members were raising money for future activities such as their New Member Initiation. They were able to raise $83 from this one event alone!
T-Shirt SellMarch 16-19
The chapter participated in the annual parade, Cinco Dias con Nuestra Tierra, where local agronomists, horticulturists, artisans and breeders come together to sell their belongings (harvests or breeds). Members sold T-shirts with agricultural messages and also participated in the parade to represent Alpha Zeta. The chapter earned almost $400 from selling T-shirts at the parade!