This Fall, the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha
Zeta decided to again participate in the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas
Child program. Brothers were eager to participate. The service committee sent
out information about the boxes, label and shipping fees so that brothers could
turn in boxes at our regular business meetings on November 13th or
by Thanksgiving. Many brothers filled empty shoe or plastic boxes to send to
children around the world. Boxes could be designed for boys or girls ages 2-4,
5-9, or 10-14. Items in the boxes included toys, school supplies, hygiene
items, hard candy, t-shirts, and personal notes. Brothers paid a $7 shipping
fee for their box. The service committee delivered the boxes to a drop-off
location so that the boxes could meet the National Collection Week deadline.
This project is a great way to spread joy during the holiday season and put a
smile on a child’s face