Chapter Activity Reports

North Carolina Chapter Serves the Fire Department!

North Carolina Chapter Serves the Fire Department!

Author: Ashlyn Britt/Monday, February 19, 2018/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Service to College or Campus, Service to Community, Fellowship, North Carolina

On February 15th, several brothers came together to show gratitude and appreciation for our local fire department by cooking a meal for them. We started preparing taco soup that morning in a crockpot. Brothers worked together to bring in all of the supplies and prepare the food for the meal. We brought the food to the firefighters and stayed at the station to eat with them. We carried on conversations about ourselves and the firefighters as we bonded over dinner. We even played a trick on one of the firefighters by inserting hot sauce into one of the brownies we had prepared, which is shown in the picture. After dinner and clean up, we stayed a while longer talking about Alpha Zeta and everything we do. The men and women of our fire department dedicate their lives to serving and protecting us and we had a great time serving them. 


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