Chapter Activity Reports

Townshend Chapter Visits Washington, D.C.

Townshend Chapter Visits Washington, D.C.

Author: Morgan Westover/Monday, March 19, 2018/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Chapter Development, Fellowship, Townshend, Chapter Spotlight, Chapter News

Seventeen members from The Townshend Chapter traveled to D.C. for a portion of their spring break. The group spent three days learning about organizational change. In addition to workshops, their trip included meeting with lawmakers and representatives on Capitol Hill, like Ohio State graduate Joe Shultz, Staff Director with US Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, and Stanley Skocki, OSU Associate Vice President of the Washington Office of Government Affairs. In addition to all their hard work, they toured monuments, had dinner at a Brazilian Steakhouse, and attended a performance of The Wiz at Ford Theatre! It was a productive and fun trip for these members. 


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