Alpha Zeta Cal-Eta officer elections were held Tuesday May 3rd at 7 PM.
Our New Officers:
Chancellor: Patricia Garcia
Censor: Kenzi Wattenburger
Scribe: Jamie Connor
Treasurer: Gina Lorenzi
Chronicler: Bridgette Eldridge
Sergeant-at-arms: Ramon Delatorre
ICC Representative: Laura Boots
Alumni Representative: Jessica Vorhis
Our Retiring Officers were:
Chancellor/Censor: Jeannette Arrabit
Scribe/Chronicler: Patricia Garcia
Treasurer/ ICC Representative: Gina Lorenzi
Alumni Representative/Sergeant at Arms: Kathleen Deardorff
We also said goodbye to our graduating Seniors and presented them with paddles as their parting gift.
The officer team also distributed our new chapter shirts.
A letters night Brotherhood event was held at 8 PM and several members made lettered T-shirts.