Chapter Activity Reports

September 21st: New Committee Elections

Author: Santiago Acosta Gonzalez/Thursday, January 21, 2016/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Chapter Development, Fellowship, Puerto Rico

2015 – 2016 Committee Elections 

Fall semester getting close to midterms and the committee members close to graduation, our chapter was calling for for some new blood. On September 21st Puerto Rico’s AZ Chapter held elections to vote in the 2015 - 2016 committee. The result? A fresh faced committee determined to breathe new life into the chapter. Here are the members the new committee, whom with the guidance from our AZ brothers, will make the chapter stand tall:


Chancellor: Mónica Toledo

Censor: Emmanuel Lozada

Treasurer: Otto Oppenheimer

Scribe: Shaira Rivera

Historians: Rey Cotto & Santiago Acosta

Sargent at Arms: Ezequiel Montañez



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