Chapter Activity Reports

Big/Little Olympics - Townshend Chapter

Author: Carley Snider/Monday, October 19, 2015/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, New Member Development, Chapter Development, Fellowship, Townshend

This year, the Townshend Chapter of AZP, located at The Ohio State University, hosted its first-ever Big/Little Olympics. This event was designed to engage the entire chapter while welcoming the newest members of Alpha Zeta Partners in a fun and exciting way. Each member of the newest membership class received a "Big" from a previous membership class last spring after initiation. These pairs were invited to compete against each other on September 18, 2015 during the olympics. All AZP members were invited to attend the event and older big/little pairs were invited to participate alongside the newest big/little pairs. Older members planned and emceed the event.

The first event of the olympics was a twin costume contest. Each big/little pair was encouraged to come to event in a twin costume to be judged by older members. The winning team received points towards their olympic score. The next event, called the "Newly Big" game, was a series of questions about the "big" and "little." Each pair had been encouraged to meet up and get to know each other better before the event in order to be successful in this round. The third event was an intense marshmallow toss contest. The final round was a three-legged race through an obstacle course. At the end of the last round, the points were tallied up and the teams were ranked on the Big/Little Olympics. The winning pair won bragging rights until next year's olympics.

After the event, all members came together again to enjoy pizza, celebrate the fun evening, and continue with fellowship. Members, new and old, were able to increase their bond as brothers and sisters of Alpha Zeta Partners in a fun and exciting environment.

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