Chapter Activity Reports

"Take The Steak" Beef Grill-Off Challenge

Author: Carley Snider/Monday, October 19, 2015/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Promotion of Agriculture, Chapter Development, Townshend

The Townshend Chapter of Alpha Zeta participated in The Ohio State University Collegiate Cattlewomen's "Take the Steak" grill-off competition on September 19, 2015. The event was held to promote the beef industry and was sponsored by the Beef Checkoff. Three members of the Townshend Chapter participated in the cooking show-style competition. Judges evaluated entries on appearance, taste, fit to theme, and overall satisfaction of the dish. Teams were each provided with a cut of meat and had to "fight" for the remaining ingredients found on a centralized table in the competition area. The AZP team strategized each round to make sure they'd get the best ingredients to make a winning, beefy dish.

The AZP team advanced to the second of three rounds. The first round's theme was "Grinding up the Compeition" and the team received ground beef as their meat. The AZP team created a delicious hamburger quesadilla securing themselves a spot in the second round. In the second round, the team received a sirloin and had to create a dish under the theme "Something on a Stick." Though they fell short by only one point and were unable to advance, their beef kabobs featuring grilled mushrooms, onions, and asparagus and topped with blue cheese crumbles were delicious. They even added a side of caramelized apples. 

Members of the Townshend-Chapter of AZP are always excited to support their fellow students in endeavors to promote the agriculture industry. Especially, if they're able to have fun and enjoy delicious food in the process!

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