Chapter Activity Reports

NC Operation Christmas Child

NC Operation Christmas Child

Originally Posted By Jamie L. DeRose

Author: Alpha Zeta/Tuesday, December 2, 2014/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

Every December, the NC Chapter participates in a service project called Operation Christmas Child, which is sponsored by the Samaritan’s Purse.  Everyone that participates donates a shoe box filled with goodies that is sent to needy children overseas. Things in the box may include toys, school supplies, hygiene items, or accessories.   For some of these children, this box may be the only gift they receive on Christmas.  Some of us choose to include a note to the child, a picture, and our address, in hopes that the child will be able to write back. 

This year, our Chapter donated a total of 21 shoeboxes for boys and girls of ages 5-14, and those boxes were dropped off at the First Reformed Church of Cary.  Operation Christmas Child is a very humbling and thoughtful experience that we enjoy doing every year.  Hopefully we make differences in the lives of the children around the world!


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