Chapter Activity Reports

Ag Day on the Ag Quad

Ag Day on the Ag Quad

Originally posted by Rheanna I. Foley

Author: Alpha Zeta/Saturday, November 9, 2013/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

Every semester the Cornell Chapter hosts "Ag Day" on the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Quad. Our event this semester was held on September 20th. While Cornell may be the land grant university in our state, sadly many students do not even know that Cornell still has agricultural departments. We hold this event to both educate the Cornell Community, as well as to raise money for Tompkins County 4-H. Our event this semester was run as it has been in the past, with a fistulated cow for cow chip bingo, food, sheep and lambs, calves, horse and campus agricultural organizations and clubs. This event is a great way to get AZ's name out on campus and let people know what we exist and what we stand for. We look forward to our next Ag Day in the spring!

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