Chapter Activity Reports

Florida Chapter: Feeding the Gator Good Service/Fundraiser

Florida Chapter: Feeding the Gator Good Service/Fundraiser

Originally Posted By Angely S. Jimenez

Author: Alpha Zeta/Sunday, November 2, 2014/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

Feeding the Gator Good was a student run campaign with a goal of initiating conversation with other students on the University of Florida campus outside of CALS about agriculture. Surveys were given out in order to ascertain the student body's perception on agriculture and how it affects their life. A chalk board was set up with the title "Agriculture is..." and allowed students to fill in what they believed agriculture meant to them. A white board was near it that asked "How can agriculture improve?" and students were able to write what they felt could be improved about agriculture.

On this day-long event, pledges went to help out as volunteers for conducting the surveys and starting conversations with other students. A few pledges talked about Alpha Zeta and used this opportunity to fundraise.

"On Oct. 24, Friday, pledges Ashley, Sloane, and Megan, volunteered at this exciting event, The purpose of the event was to inform UF students about agriculture and life sciences and important role of feeding the global population in the future. During the hours of events, our class had wonderful opportunity to share what we know and explain about what we were so passionate about agriculture. Moreover, we got to share about Alpha Zeta and ask for a donation for what we will do in the near future." - Ji Lee, Pledge Class Fundraising Chair


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