Rebuilding an active chapter is a challenge; however, with the help of dedicated advisors, interested students, the national office, and High Council, several chapters that were once inactive are now vibrant and successful.
The process for reactivating a chapter is similar to starting a colony.
- Contact the National Office (
- Select an advisor (he or she does not need to be an Alpha Zeta alumni, but it helps).
- Recruit additional qualified students. Generally between 15-25 is a solid initiate class for reactivating a chapter. Numbers are critical to sustainability. The National Office can provide further guidance.
- Develop objectives and mission.
- Set a dates for initiation and meetings. Invite the National Office, High Council, alumni, faculty and staff to initiation.
- Send complete membership applications and all membership fees to the national office.
- Elect officers, hold initiation.
Contact the National Office,, if you have any questions about activating the chapter at your university.