Reactivating a Chapter

Rebuilding an active chapter is a challenge; however, with the help of dedicated advisors, interested students, the national office, and High Council, several chapters that were once inactive are now vibrant and successful.

The process for reactivating a chapter is similar to starting a colony.

  1. Contact the National Office (
  2. Select an advisor (he or she does not need to be an Alpha Zeta alumni, but it helps).
  3. Recruit additional qualified students. Generally between 15-25 is a solid initiate class for reactivating a chapter. Numbers are critical to sustainability. The National Office can provide further guidance.
  4. Develop objectives and mission.
  5. Set a dates for initiation and meetings. Invite the National Office, High Council, alumni, faculty and staff to initiation.
  6. Send complete membership applications and all membership fees to the national office.
  7. Elect officers, hold initiation.

Contact the National Office,, if you have any questions about activating the chapter at your university.