Frederick Eshleman Boyer Jr., 96, a former Baker County resident, died Feb. 15, 2018, on hospice from complications following a viral illness at Royalton Place in Milwaukie, surrounded by his family.
John P. Gruber was inducted this week into the Fayette County Ohio Agricultural Hall of Fame at an annual banquet that once again highlighted the longstanding heritage of agriculture in Fayette County, Ohio.
We were able to chat with Cal Epsilon alumna, Hannah Bianchi! Hannah graduated from Fresno State with a Bachelor's in Agricultural Education, and she is currently completing her credential program. She talked about how Alpha Zeta helped further her versatility as a professional and more:
In January, former Kansas U.S. Senator Bob Dole, the 1996 GOP presidential candidate and the longest serving GOP Senate leader, was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for service as a “soldier, legislator and statesman.”
The Puerto Rico Chapter, has in mind several goals with different activities during the semester for future members of the fraternity.
A fraternization was carried out with the new candidates to be brothers Alpha Zeta.