David Headley
knows how much the decisions made in college can impact your future. Headley,
currently the High Censor on the Alpha Zeta High Council and a North Carolina
chapter alumnus, acknowledges that his college involvement with AZ led him to
where he is today.
For more than
10 years, Headley has been actively involved with AZ. During his time at North
Carolina he grew interested in the fraternity and became very engaged with the
events they would hold including: Ag awareness week, service projects and
Christmas projects. In college, he also served on the AZ Agricultural
Fraternity Board of Directors and was vice president of Agri-Life Council.
To other
students Headley's passion for AZ was obvious, or at least it was one year
during pledge week. Headley recalls his favorite memory as a North Carolina student
member shaving an, "AZ" into his hair to show is fraternity pride.
Now, as an
alumnus, he understands how AZ has left an impacting impression on him.
"Believe it or not, it is because of AZ that I am who I am today. The older
brothers who came before showed me how important agriculture is both domestically
and internationally," he said.
The desire to
continue this stream of knowledge is what led Headley to run for the High
Council. "I am very passionate about making sure AZ is the global leader
for agriculture students, and want to ensure students are successful both
academically and professionally."
As well as
serving as the High Censor, Headley works for the Illinois Soybean Association
managing both trade teams and Soy Ambassador Program. Headley also does
consulting work for international agriculture projects for non-governmental
organizations, which has led him to travel to more than 56 countries.