Alumni News

Alpha Zeta Presents Science in Agricultre

Alpha Zeta Presents Science in Agricultre

Chico March For Science

Author: Patricia Garcia/Sunday, April 23, 2017/Categories: Service to College or Campus, Promotion of Agriculture, Service to Community, Cal Eta (Chico), , Chapter Spotlight, Chapter News

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 Alpha Zeta was asked by the organizers of the Chico March for Science to do a booth on how science is used in Agriculture. The fraternity unanimous accepted the invitation to participate. On  Saturday, April 22nd we presented Science in Agriculture at the Chico March for Science. Our main display had agriculture carrers involved with science, esplaining where we would be without science. We had 2 interactive display boards, one for plant life cycle and one for dairy production. Everyonce was given a container of cream that they could shake to make their own butter. We are also participating in the passport activity for the younger kids as well. Kids will get to go to each booth and ask a designated science question. Ours is “Why can cattle eat grass and pigs cannot?”  All our initiates helped with this event and several of our active members helped with our display board.


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