Alumni News

Florida Chapter: Sweets & Treats Service Events

Florida Chapter: Sweets & Treats Service Events

Author: Katie Groves/Tuesday, February 14, 2017/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Service to Community, Florida

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Ronald McDonald House of Charities is a house where seriously ill children and their families can stay while they are receiving treatment. The Ronald McDonald House of Charities utilizes their volunteer base to gain participation in their programs that help out the families that stay there. One of the ways in which volunteers can get involved in this program is by baking sweets or treats for the families that stay there. The Florida Chapter kicked off the new year by participating in two sweets and treats events throughout the month of January and two events in the month of February. Groups of 5 brothers participated in these events for 2 service hours per event. With donated baking items from other brothers in the chapter, we were able to make sweets for the families at the house. At these events, we bake sweets such as chocolate chip cookies, fudge brownies, and banana pudding. At these events, we are also able to interact with the families that live there and each time we visit, they are so thankful for our time spent at the house and we appreciate and enjoy their company.

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