Alumni News

Agricultural Fact of the Week

Ruellia simplex, a mexican petunia, is invading Praynes Prairie

Author: Alexa Engel/Tuesday, November 8, 2016/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Promotion of Agriculture, Florida

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The Department of Environmental Horticulture at the University of Florida conducted a study on the effect of herbicides on native plant species in Praynes Prairie Preserve State Park. The herbicides were used to kill the invasive species ruellia simplex, a Mexican petunia. After the herbicide treatment, the native species did grow back. Unfortunately, the native species growth did not return to their former abundance because of altered soil and water conditions from the herbicides.

Our Alpha Zeta chapter got the idea of presenting Agricultural Facts from the National Agricultural Leadership Conference 2016. Our goal is to expand our agriculture education in our chapter. We hope to peak the interest of all the members in our chapter and promote being informed on agriculture in society. 

Here is the link to learn more about the article:

Our Alpha Zeta chapter got the idea of presenting Agricultural Facts from the National Agricultural Leadership Conference 2016. Our goal is to expand our agriculture education in our chapter. We hope to peak the interest of all the members in our chapter, and promote being informed on agriculture in our society. 

Former Ag Fact topics include: organic vs nonorganic, endangerment of bees, Purdue chicken feeding practices, and the fight for horse health. If you would like more information or the links on these topics, feel free to comment below.

Thanks for reading!


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