Chapter Activity Reports

International Coastal Cleanup Day!

International Coastal Cleanup Day!

Originally posted by Rafael Sierra Curbelo

As a part of our compromise with the community and the environment the past September 15, 2012 members of Alpha Zeta, Puerto Rico Chapter, in collaboration with many other associations of our Agriculture Faculty we were participating in the International Coastal Cleanup Day. It’s an event that is promoted by Ocean Conservancy, an entity that educated the people implementing the importance of protecting the oceans and its wildlife. It’s an activity that gives us awareness about the importance of maintaining the coast free of trash. It was also a socializing activity in where members of different associations shared and worked together for our environment.
Saturday, October 13, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3911)/Comments (0)/
Breakfast sale in agriculture hall

Breakfast sale in agriculture hall

Originally posted by Rafael Sierra Curbelo

Greetings from the Honorary Fraternity Alpha Zeta, Puerto Rico chapter. For us is a pleasure to begin a new semester in Alpha Zeta with enthusiasm and a lot of ideas to continue to expand our knowledge while enjoying every activity that we do for our agriculture. The photo is from our first activity. We performed this activity in September 13, 2012 in where we were selling sandwiches and juice to get funds for the fraternity...
Saturday, October 13, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3647)/Comments (0)/
Installing New Members!

Installing New Members!

Originally posted by Aubrey B. Weibel

On September 28th, the brothers and alumni of Cook Chapter got together for the traditional installment of the new pledges. Our Censor and Sargent had the pledges meet with them beforehand, making sure everyone was ready for the event and knew the basics about our chapter. The pledges were then driven to Helyar House where the ceremony began. Throughout the night, the pledges met with the different classes of Alpha Zeta, including the Alumni...
Friday, October 12, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3920)/Comments (0)/
First New Member Meeting and Applebees

First New Member Meeting and Applebees

Originally posted by Aubrey B. Weibel

On September 26th, 2012, prospective new members of the Alpha Zeta Cook chapter piled into a room where their first meeting would be held. This first meeting was held to see how many Rutgers students had decided to participate in the initiation process for our chapter. Our efforts to get our name into the community included two weeks of rush events, chalking and emails. We were rewarded with 25 potential new members who showed up to meet the e-board of the fraternity...

Friday, October 12, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3992)/Comments (0)/

UF Pledge Class Road Cleanup 4/2/12

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

The Florida Chapter's pledge class cleaned up our adopted road with the help of some of our members. The members and pledges that participated in the clean-up did not mind taking time out of their schedule to pick up the trash and get it off the street. We normally find at least one surprise item as we clean down the road! The road clean-up was planned for an evening to avoid the heat of the day. We collected a bunch of trash cleaning up the community and making the people in the area very happy...
Friday, October 12, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4231)/Comments (0)/
The Giant Pumpkin Regatta & Festival

The Giant Pumpkin Regatta & Festival

Originally posted by Ashley M. Ackert

Members of the Burlington area join together to watch local businesses and farmers race in giant pumpkins through Lake Champlain. Three Alpha Zeta members volunteered with the children's activity tent. Children could exchange tickets for crafts and snacks. Activities consisted of face painting, cookie/cupcake decorating, pumpkin painting, and other Halloween related crafts. This was an excellent opportunity for our chapter to interact with the younger members of our community. The pumpkin boat races were also very entertaining!
Thursday, October 11, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3938)/Comments (0)/
Ag Day 9/21/12

Ag Day 9/21/12

Originally posted by Rebecca S. Terry

Every semester the Cornell chapter puts on Ag Day to celebrate and promote the world of agriculture. Farm equipment and animals are brought to the Ag quad where students can see the animals and machinery up close and ask questions. Students love petting the calves, goats and lambs. Agricultural clubs and organizations are invited to set up a display or create an activity for students to learn more about agriculture. Actives Carly Neumann and Ross Taylor enthusiastically advertised for the event by wearing pig and cow costumes all day...
Wednesday, October 10, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3885)/Comments (0)/

Corn Gleaning

Originally posted by Rebecca S. Terry

Three actives spent the afternoon of August 28th gleaning corn at a local farm. Early Bird Farm in Ithaca, NY was generous enough to allow their leftover corn to be harvested and donated to the Ithaca City School District. The corn will be served for lunch at Ithaca High school. The actives had a great time walking through the fields, and even turned it into a competition to see who could pick the most ears of corn!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3897)/Comments (0)/
UF Kanapaha Botanical Gardens Service 4/1/12

UF Kanapaha Botanical Gardens Service 4/1/12

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

The Florida Chapter headed to the beautiful Kanapaha Botanical Gardens in Gainesville.  Members came out to clean up the gardens by doing a little weeding in the front walk area as well as chopping up old bamboo to be sold to people that come to visit. We also hustled to clean up the tables and chairs from a wedding the previous night and helped them set up for a speaking group to come in later that night...
Wednesday, October 10, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3824)/Comments (0)/
UF NALC 3/29/12-3/31/12

UF NALC 3/29/12-3/31/12

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

The Florida Chapter was able to jetisend one member across the country as a representative for the annual NALC hosted by the Fresno State Chapter. Chapters from around the country were introduced to local agricultural ventures covering a variety of different fields. Members visited such places as almond processing plants, frozen food processors, and Sunmaid Raisins. The conference was a great way to meet people from other chapters and compare and contrast how each chapter operates. Members were able to meet with career representatives to make contacts leading potential careers. It was a great time and a great opportunity to connect with other members.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4033)/Comments (0)/