Chapter Activity Reports

NC Spring 2013 Candidate Education Week

NC Spring 2013 Candidate Education Week

Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby

New Member Education Week is held every semester after candidates for membership are chosen. This week started on February 10th and lasted until Friday February 15th.  The purpose of Candidate Education Week is to teach perspective brothers the importance of teamwork to accomplish a common goal. The candidates are presented with a series of challenges in which they must learn about agriculture, find out information about the fraternity’s history as well as current activities, get to know current brothers, introduce themselves to alumni, and come together as a team. Candidates find out how close brothers are, and brothers have an opportunity to get to know candidates...
Monday, February 18, 2013/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3804)/Comments (0)/
NC Spring 2013 Retreat

NC Spring 2013 Retreat

Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby

The Friday after Roundtable, all brothers and new members are asked to attend an overnight retreat at Roanoke Christian Service Camp. Twenty-eight brothers and thirteen candidates for membership arrived at the camp on the evening of February 8th.  This is a traditional way to start the week when candidates are introduced to the principles and fundamental ideas behind Alpha Zeta and have an opportunity to meet current brothers...
Monday, February 18, 2013/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3890)/Comments (0)/

NC Valentine Exchange

Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby

The North Carolina Chapter celebrated Valentine’s Day during a busy Candidate Education Week. On Thursday, February 14th, 22 brothers made valentines or brought bags of candy. The social committee prepared paper valentine bags for every brother and candidate. As brothers arrived, they filled each bag with delicious candy as well as compliments or  kind notes for everyone. This activity is a great way for brothers to show their love and appreciation for each other.
Sunday, February 17, 2013/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3706)/Comments (0)/
Spreading the Christmas Joy with Operation Shoebox

Spreading the Christmas Joy with Operation Shoebox

Originally posted by Cosette M. Faivre

This December, Cal Epsilon continued a beloved holiday tradition of Operation Shoebox! Cal Epsilon partnered with a local food bank, the Bulldog Pantry, to provide a Christmas present for underprivileged children. Members spent several weeks collecting wrapping paper and shoeboxes, and then officers went out and bought fun toys, toiletries, and educational supplies based on gender and age. On December 14th, members gathered together for some delicious food, Christmas music, and a wrapping extravaganza...
Sunday, February 17, 2013/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3973)/Comments (0)/
Celebrating Valentine's Day by Chomping Cancer!

Celebrating Valentine's Day by Chomping Cancer!

Originally posted by Jacquelyn E. Neal

The members of the Florida Chapter have gotten very close this week while preparing for the annual Valentine's Day rose sale! Members spent Tuesday and Wednesday preparing the roses for the sale. Today, they delivered bouquets all over campus and sold roses at the student union. The proceeds from the sale today will go towards the UF Alpha Zeta Relay for Life team, benefiting the American Cancer Society. We are excited to Chomp Cancer! this March, and are continuing to fund-raise as a team!...
Thursday, February 14, 2013/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3829)/Comments (0)/
Cook Chapter Climbs the Rock Wall

Cook Chapter Climbs the Rock Wall

Originally posted by Aubrey B. Weibel

On February 10th, a group of brothers from the cook chapter decided that after 4-whole years at Rutgers, it was time to experience the Rutgers Rock Wall. Brothers learned how to properly tie a climbing knot and for many, it was their first time ever scaling a surface 180 degrees from the ground. It was a great bonding experience because two of the brothers in the group were belay certified and literally had the life line of another brother in her hand. Brothers had to trust one anther and listen for shouts of encouragements when times were tough. All of the brothers made it to the top of the wall at least once during the visit.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3627)/Comments (0)/
Paying it Forward - Helping those in UCP

Paying it Forward - Helping those in UCP

Originally posted by Monique M. Bienvenue

Cal-Epsilon President, Monique Bienvenue, and Censor, Jessica Fernainy, had the opportunity to visit the United Cerebral Palsy Center in Fresno and set up an event to take place on February 15th. The event will consist of a Valentine's Day themed baking activity for adults with disabilities and it will start at 12:30 p.m. This event will definitely be fun and Cal-Epsilon can't wait to see all of UCP's amAZing students!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3589)/Comments (0)/
1st General Meeting of Spring '13

1st General Meeting of Spring '13

Originally posted by Adriana M. Dubbelde

On the evening of February 5th, brothers of the Wilson Chapter came together for the first official meeting of the semester. Rodd Whitney, the Talent Acquisition Specialist at Monsanto, treated the chapter to pizza, and spoke about the "great opportunities facing youth in agriculture.” In addition, officer reports were given and committees met. We are officially sending 4 delegates to NALC; it is going to be a great year!
Saturday, February 9, 2013/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3989)/Comments (0)/
AZ Workouts

AZ Workouts

Originally posted by Aubrey B. Weibel

Come one! Come all!!! The Cook AZ brothers always support each other, and supporting each other in career goals and fitness goals is no exception. Our current chancellor, Becca Melvin, is an exercise science major who works at the Cook Recreation Center and taught one of her first RU Fit classes on Friday, February 1, 2013. This class is full of insanity based high intensity interval training 45 min work out consisting of jogging, burpees, squats, planks, and cardio work outs. Brothers came out to support her and participate in her class, which was quite a success. Getting into the spirit of things, they even made amazing gym attire. A chapter that works out together, stays strong together, and the pictures speak louder than words.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4045)/Comments (0)/
Cook Brothers Study Abroad - Farewell

Cook Brothers Study Abroad - Farewell

Originally posted by Aubrey B. Weibel

The brothers of Alpha Zeta Cook Chapter have always been curious individuals with a desire to experience new cultures and different environments. Two of our brothers have recently returned from Greece and Australia after completing a semester abroad, and brought back with them a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with the rest of the chapter. Now we bid farewell to another brother for the upcoming semester as she will be spending her semester in the Netherlands. Though saying goodbye is always difficult, it is not for forever and we wish her only the best in her travels and hope that she gets to experience all the history and culture the Netherlands have to offer. The picture above is a handful of the brothers that attended the farewell get together showing the true camaraderie of the brotherhood.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3646)/Comments (0)/