Chapter Activity Reports

NC Pork Chop Shop and the State Fair!

NC Pork Chop Shop and the State Fair!

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

The North Carolina State Fair is a ten-day annual event running October 17th-27th and is located in Raleigh. The fair brings people from all over North Carolina to Raleigh, and provides many opportunities for our members to get involved in service to agriculture. This year, over 1 million people visited the fair. Our main fundraising opportunity during the fair is through the North Carolina Pork Council. Throughout the week, at least 8 brothers a day voluteered their time working five ...
Sunday, January 5, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4305)/Comments (0)/
NC landscapes the Key

NC landscapes the Key

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

On Friday October 11th, a group of brothers went to landscape the Key, which was recently moved to the Bill Fike crops garden. Brothers dug a large hole for a golden mop bush and spread landscape fabric to prevent weeds from sprouting through the top layer of mulch. Once that was done brothers cut small pieces of stone to act as stepping stones around the key. This way one could walk along the sides of the key without interfering with the landscaping or mulch layer. The landscaping of ...
Sunday, January 5, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4004)/Comments (0)/

NC Movie Night!

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

On Saturday October 12th, brothers in the North Carolina Chapter came together to socialize and spend time together by watching a movie at Weaver Labs. The brothers decided to watch Super Troopers. They decided they needed a good laugh with the rough week ahead with the North Carolina State Fair. The Brothers enjoyed some freshly popped popcorn and each other’s company
Sunday, January 5, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3965)/Comments (0)/
NC Ice Cream Social

NC Ice Cream Social

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

This year on Monday September 30th, the North Carolina Chapter had the unique opportunity to help in the unveiling of the Dean Lintons new signature Ice cream flavor, Cherry Brick Road. Cherry Brick Road features a chocolate flavored ice cream with cherry chunks and marshmellow swirls. This flavor was formulated by the dean himself as a former food science specialist. In this event Alpha Zeta brothers had the opportunity to serve samples of the new ice cream flavor to students, ...
Sunday, January 5, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3954)/Comments (0)/

NC Meeting with the Dean of CALS

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

On Wednesday August 21, Chancellor Alvey, Censor Cave, and Scribe Fleming met with the new dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Dr. Dean Linton. The officers and the Dean discussed the upcoming goals of Alpha Zeta and how he would like to see Alpha Zeta more involved on campus. It was wonderful to meet with him and introduce the new officer team of the 2013-2014 year. The dean was very excited about the upcoming events of Alpha Zeta and wanted to lend a helping hand wherever he could. 
Sunday, January 5, 2014/Author: Mike Cooke/Number of views (3666)/Comments (0)/

NC Officer Bonding and Leadership Workshop

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

On Friday August 16th, Chancellor Alvey of the North Carolina Chapter hosted a team-building workshop for the officer team. First all five officers participated in a breakfast at I-hop at 8:30 am with one of the advisors who shared her experiences as a brother and gave us advice for the upcoming here. Next all five officers participated in various tasks from 10 am to 3 pm at the newly built Hunt Library on NC state Universitiy’s centennial campus. The officers separately and collaboratively created lists of goals and comments regarding what activities they thought needed updating or reorganizing. The officers were given opportunities to work together to complete other fun tasks such as a leadership style/personality test and then Chancellor Alvey led us in a discussion to prepare us for this semester.  We discussed how we have worked well together, what steps we could take to improve teamwork, as well as details for close events.  For a lunch break and some general social time the officers enjoyed lunch at Mitch’s Tavern on Hillsborough Street. 
Sunday, January 5, 2014/Author: Mike Cooke/Number of views (3749)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter Goes into the Woods!

Florida Chapter Goes into the Woods!

Originally posted by Christine M. Adams

The Florida Chapter spent a Friday night in late November in the woods about thirty minutes from campus.  Members dug out their finest flannel, camo and boots for our largest social every semester.  Members enjoyed burgers, hot dogs and s'mores around a giant bonfire that kept us warm throughout the night.  The night was full of stories, games, and even some spectacular line dancing.  Our semesterly woodser is a great way to bond with the newly inducted members and wrap up another successful semester for our chapter!
Sunday, December 22, 2013/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3881)/Comments (0)/
Wilson Chapter Elections and Thrift Shop Formal

Wilson Chapter Elections and Thrift Shop Formal

Originally posted by Theodore M. Bloechle

On December 2nd, we at the Wilson Chapter attended our annual thrift shop formal and held elections. We dressed up in our finest thrift shop formal wear and ugliest sweaters to celebrate the last meeting of the year! We'd also like to welcome our new officers and express our gratitude to the excellent officers who served us this past year.
Sunday, December 15, 2013/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3727)/Comments (0)/
Florida Fall Pledge Class Initiation

Florida Fall Pledge Class Initiation

Originally posted by Thomas M. Travis

On November 19th, we at the Florida Chapter were very proud to induct twenty three new brothers and sisters into the fraternity of Alpha Zeta. Those inducted were selected for candidacy from a pool of twenty seven applicants, and each one has demonstrated a strong dedication to both our ideals, and the fraternity itself. I'm excited to see their contribution to our chapter, and I'm glad they're here to carry us into the future.
Thursday, December 12, 2013/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4027)/Comments (0)/
AZ Cal Epsilon Canned Food Drive Challenge

AZ Cal Epsilon Canned Food Drive Challenge

Originally posted by Jodi L. Raley

On Friday, November 22nd, the Cal Epsilon chapter at Fresno State dropped off their donations of canned food items to the Wesley United Methodist Church.  The donations came from members as a part of Fresno State's Canned Food Initiative.  Fresno State's goal was to donate over 300 pounds of canned food campus-wide to benefit the El Dorado Park community, a community near Fresno State that struggles with poverty and hunger.
Monday, November 25, 2013/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4134)/Comments (0)/