Chapter Activity Reports

NC Pork Chop Shop and the State Fair!

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

The North Carolina State Fair is a ten-day annual event running October 17th-27th and is located in Raleigh. The fair brings people from all over North Carolina to Raleigh, and provides many opportunities for our members to get involved in service to agriculture. This year, over 1 million people visited the fair. Our main fundraising opportunity during the fair is through the North Carolina Pork Council. Throughout the week, at least 8 brothers a day voluteered their time working five hour shifts. We dedicated over 100 hours as a fraternity to the Pork Chop Shop.  During that time, brothers took food orders, prepared plates, operated cash registers, washed dishes, and helped keep the dining area clean. North Carolina is second in leading swine production in the United States and theNorth Carolina Pork Council is a long-time industry friend of Alpha Zeta. The Pork Chop Shop is a great way for our chapter to promote and serve the swine industry in North Carolina. The event was also a great way to meet people who are involved in all aspects of agriculture, both customers as well as other friends of the Pork Council people with whom we worked. This year, there were over 10,000 customers come through the Pork Chop Shop. After all the profits were totaled by the Pork Council, Alpha Zeta was given a monetary donation for our services. 

Most brothers enjoyed the social aspect of the fair after volunteering with Pork Chop Shop. They rode rides, watched fireworks and tasted various fried foods. Unfortunately this was our last year serving food with the Pork Council. Alpha Zeta will be providing service to the Pork Council during the fair or another event during the year.

The fair is organized and operated by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. We enjoyed meeting and talking with NC Commissioner of Agriculture, Steve Troxler, about what work goes into planning the fair as he came through the line at Pork Chop Shop. We also served barbeque to a local television news anchor. This year we had a "bumper crop of fun” at the State Fair, and cannot wait for next year

Sunday, January 5, 2014/Author: Mike Cooke/Number of views (4290)/Comments (0)/

NC Operation Christmas Child

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

This Fall, the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta decided to again participate in the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child program. Brothers were eager to participate. The service committee sent out information about the boxes, label and shipping fees so that brothers could turn in boxes at our regular business meetings on November 13th or by Thanksgiving. Many brothers filled empty shoe or plastic boxes to send to children around the world. Boxes could be designed for boys or girls ages 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14. Items in the boxes included toys, school supplies, hygiene items, hard candy, t-shirts, and personal notes. Brothers paid a $7 shipping fee for their box. The service committee delivered the boxes to a drop-off location so that the boxes could meet the National Collection Week deadline. This project is a great way to spread joy during the holiday season and put a smile on a child’s face
Sunday, January 5, 2014/Author: Mike Cooke/Number of views (4343)/Comments (0)/
NC CALS Alumni Tailgate

NC CALS Alumni Tailgate

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

On August 31st, the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta, participated in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Alumni tailgate with many other NC State organizations. This is a time for graduates of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences to enjoy a barbecue meal and see what has been going on with the organizations that they participated in in college. After this time of fellowship, the alumni then attend the NC State football game. Many alumni also bring their children that are enrolled at NC State or may enroll at NC State in the future.

The Alumni Tailgate Committee created a game with agricultural facts to ask visitors. Our chapter had 3 brothers on Saturday to answer questions about our chapter's upcoming events. We had a photo display of the service projects that we have participated in along with photos taken at NALC. Our scrapbook was also on display and we gave away candy
Sunday, January 5, 2014/Author: Mike Cooke/Number of views (3853)/Comments (0)/
NC 2013 Key Appreciation Picture

NC 2013 Key Appreciation Picture

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

On Friday December 6th, around 15 brothers went out to the Bill Fike crops garden to take a picture with the Key. This picture is going to be given as thank you gifts to our biggest supporters of the project and Alpha Zeta in General. The picture was to be given to Brenda, the manager of the Crops Garden, and Dr. Bob Patterson, Professor and advisor at North Carolina State University
Sunday, January 5, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3989)/Comments (0)/
NC Trick or Canning

NC Trick or Canning

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

On October 31st ten brothers dressed up in costume and headed to a local neighboring in Cary to collect cans for the North Carolina food pantry. Brothers dressed up in costumes such as a cat, minions, doctor who characters, and the mad hatter from Alice in Wonderland.  As a service project this activity allowed us brothers to enjoy the holiday and each other’s company while giving back to the local community in need who does not have adequate food supply. The North Carolina Food pantry ...
Sunday, January 5, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4045)/Comments (0)/
NC Christmas Social

NC Christmas Social

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

To celebrate the end of classes and gather together before winter break, we decided to have dinner at McDaids on Hillsborough Street. On December 7th, over 25 brothers and their guests met at the restaurant in Raleigh, NC around 530 pm. We enjoyed dressing up and eating wonderful food. This was a much need break from studying for exams next week
Sunday, January 5, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3496)/Comments (0)/

NC Christmas Tree Fundraiser

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

On December 6th, the brotherhood gathered at Weaver Hall to set up for our Christmas tree sale. The selling began in October to many family members and professors on campus. On Friday brothers showed up at Weaver to receive the trees from a Christmas tree farmer. We separated all of the trees, wreaths, and garland into respective sections around the shop so that it would be very organized for the next day. On Saturday December 7th, brothers showed up to help hand out what people had ...
Sunday, January 5, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3958)/Comments (0)/

NC last meeting; Senior Gifts and Candle Light Ceremony

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

At the beginning of our regularly scheduled meeting, Chancellor Alvey gave a thank you speech to all the brothers who had made the semester so great. He also wished everyone luck with their final exams and a relaxing winter break with safe travels. After the meeting, graduating brothers received gifts from their littles or candidate class to highlight some of the graduating brothers special memories in Alpha Zeta. This moment is often sad and funny as we look back on the past. After ...
Sunday, January 5, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3789)/Comments (0)/
NC CALS Alumni Tailgate

NC CALS Alumni Tailgate

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

On August 31st, the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta, participated in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Alumni tailgate with many other NC State organizations. This is a time for graduates of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences to enjoy a barbecue meal and see what has been going on with the organizations that they participated in in college. After this time of fellowship, the alumni then attend the NC State football game. Many alumni also bring their children ...
Sunday, January 5, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3805)/Comments (0)/

NC Operation Christmas Child

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

This Fall, the North Carolina Chapter of Alpha Zeta decided to again participate in the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child program. Brothers were eager to participate. The service committee sent out information about the boxes, label and shipping fees so that brothers could turn in boxes at our regular business meetings on November 13th or by Thanksgiving. Many brothers filled empty shoe or plastic boxes to send to children around the world. Boxes could be designed for boys or ...
Sunday, January 5, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4183)/Comments (0)/