Chapter Activity Reports

North Carolina Chapter Roundtable

North Carolina Chapter Roundtable

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

Roundtable interviews were held the Sunday, January 26th at 9:00 am in our chapter meeting room in Weaver hall. This interview is the next step in the North Carolina Chapter's recruitment process for new brothers. Everyone who attended Rush events was invited to come to Roundtable on Sunday afternoon for a formal interview. The applicants proceeded to sign up for an interview time by contacting our Censor. All active brothers greeted the visiting students with a variety of snacks and ...
Monday, February 24, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4400)/Comments (0)/

NC goes to Adventure Landing

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

On Friday February 21st brothers of the North Carolina Chapter attended Adventure Landing. Adventure Landing has may fun attractions such as mini golf, an arcade, laser tag, go karts, and batting cages. This social event was attended by BLANK brothers. Everyone had a great time! These social activities allow brothers to bond in fellowship and get out a little friendly competition between Alphas and Zetas. Everyone like this activity so much they plan to go again sometime soon.   
Monday, February 24, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4160)/Comments (0)/
NC has a snow day!

NC has a snow day!

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

On Wednesday February 12th, classes at North Carolina State were canceled due to the snow storm. Although the university wasn’t functioning in the six inches of winter wonderland, our members were out and playing in the snow. Between snowball fights, running with the dog, and sliding down the hill it is safe to say that all of us had a blast. Snow days rarely happening in North Carolina, so when it does the North Carolina Chapter definitely takes advantage. 
Monday, February 24, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3862)/Comments (0)/
New Brothers of the North Carolina Chapter

New Brothers of the North Carolina Chapter

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

On Wednesday February 19th, the North Carolina Chapter initiated 14 new brothers into the Fraternity. Over thirty five brothers attended initiation this spring. The evening started out with a welcome potluck dinner at 6:15 pm. This way new brothers and older brothers had an opportunity to meet and converse to get to know each other better. There was a large variety of dishes ranging from finger foods such as pigs in a blanket to delicious dessert such as chocolate éclair. The ...
Monday, February 24, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4581)/Comments (0)/

North Carolina New Member Recruitment

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

On Tuesday January 20th, we held our first Rush event in the Williams hall activity room.  We had 4 potential candidates come out to get to know us and receive applications.  Our committee heads and officers spoke on our many activities, and then we showed a slide show of activities. We enjoyed Little Caesar’s pizza and deserts made by brothers. On Wednesday January 21st , we had our second rush event where 10 potential candidates requested applications. We all enjoyed Baked Ziti that ...
Monday, February 24, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4084)/Comments (0)/
Edible Plant Project 2

Edible Plant Project 2

Originally Posted By Jennifer W. West

This past Sunday, members of the Florida chapter returned to the Edible Plant Project. The Edible Plant Project is a volunteer run, nonprofit organization, that creates positive alternatives to our current unsustainable food system. The Edible Plant Project’s goal is to promote edible landscaping and local food production in central Florida. We were able to experience a variety of service events that the Edible Plant Project specifically planned for us. Some of the projects included ...
Thursday, February 20, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3811)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter Bowling Social

Florida Chapter Bowling Social

Originally Posted By Alexa J. Bledsoe

To kick off a new semester the Florida chapter enjoyed a night of bowling. We have bi-weeky member meetings on Tuesdays. In Gainesville a local bowling alley hosts a college night also on Tuesdays promoting bowling. So, on a non-member meeting Tuesday we had the opportunity to show off our skills, or lack there of. Mainly we had a great time connecting with new members and having great conversation, which turned out to be a lot more interesting than the bowling match many of us were failing ...
Wednesday, February 19, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3669)/Comments (0)/

Wilson Chapter February Meeting

Originally Posted By Theodore M. Bloechle

On Tuesday, February 4th at 8p.m., after Chancellor David Drendel called the meeting to order, a short presentation was given by Drew Ratterman about the many innovative ways that Dow Agrosciences is expanding their footprint globally, from diversifying their germplasm through acquisition of seed production companies to producing new organic herbicides. Two sets of candidates for GSB president and vice president (Hilary and Mike as well as Khayree and Gabe) held short question and answer sessions with the chapter as well and encouraged us to turn up to vote in the upcoming GSB elections. We then proceeded with general business, which included passing out the new committee assignments.
Sunday, February 9, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4093)/Comments (0)/
United Cerebral Palsy Christmas Party Volunteers

United Cerebral Palsy Christmas Party Volunteers

Originally Posted By Beatriz Rodriguez-Rivera

On December 20th 2014, Alpha Zeta - Cal Epsilon members took the time to volunteer at the United Cerebral Palsy Center, Fresno. The chapter donated over twenty Santa hats to the center for their annual Christmas party. Members of the Cal Epsilon chapter also brought baked goods in which the students were permitted to decorate to their digression at snack time. The chapter helped the students decorate the donated items, adorn them with their own holiday themed hat, and partake in the joyous ...
Saturday, February 8, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3934)/Comments (0)/
Alpha Zeta - Cal Epsilon Members Bring Home the Gold

Alpha Zeta - Cal Epsilon Members Bring Home the Gold

Originally Posted By Brittany L. Hitchcock

On December 7th, 2013 the Fresno State Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology Farm Bureau Collegiate Discussion Meet Team took first place in the annual California Young Farmers and Ranchers Discussion Meet Contest under the direction of Dr. Steven Rocca. Fresno State Animal Science student, Jake Carlson, won the competition taking home the elite title of the California State Champion. Audra Roland, Fresno State Agricultural Business student, followed closely ...
Wednesday, February 5, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (5505)/Comments (0)/