Chapter Activity Reports

Music Night

Music Night

Originally Posted By Halli M. James

On October 11, Cook AZ held a music night for brothers and new members to relax and spend time together. We came up with rooms based on musical genres including country, pop, rap, and rock. Groups of brothers decorated each room and came up with a game relating to the genre for everyone to play like finish the lyrics, corn hole, and a rap battle. It was a fun night for the brothers and new members to spend time together. 
Thursday, February 27, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3669)/Comments (0)/
Florida Valentine's Day Rose Sale

Florida Valentine's Day Rose Sale

Originally Posted By Simon C. Luk

On Valentine's Day this past week, members of the Florida Chapter participated in a campus-wide rose sale to benefit our chapter. We set up a table on campus and sold roses to students throughout the day, as well as to professors. We also delivered roses to faculty who had pre-ordered roses. It was amazing to see the happy reaction of the recipients of the roses, especially those who received them as a surprise.The chapter benefited from this fundraiser through working together and ...
Monday, February 24, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3975)/Comments (0)/
Cal Delta- SLO High Fun Run

Cal Delta- SLO High Fun Run

Originally Posted By Krista L. Le Piane,

On January 25, 2014, several Cal Delta Members participated in San Luis Obispo High School’s SLO Blast Color Fun Run. Members ran the 5k and were then blasted with color. Proceeds went to fund scholarships for SLO High students. Cal Delta members had a great time giving back to the community and bonding during the color fight at the end. 
Monday, February 24, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4201)/Comments (0)/
Cal Delta- Annual Christmas Party

Cal Delta- Annual Christmas Party

Originally Posted By Krista L. Le Piane

On December 6th 2013, members of the Cal Delta Chapter also attended our annual Christmas Party. Every year, our wonderful advisor, Mr. McCorkle, and his wife host the party. Members ate dinner, watched new initiates sing the Mal Malty and perform a skit, sang carols, participated in a white elephant gift exchange, and donated toys to Toys for Tots. The night was filled with good food and tons of laughter. 
Monday, February 24, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4348)/Comments (0)/
NC GCF Service Project

NC GCF Service Project

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

On January 18th, nine brothers of the North Carolina Chapter attended a service event at the GCF Farm Center located in Durham, NC. We helped to harvest about 1,200 pounds of collard greens that will feed about 2,400 people.  After the service event they gave us a tour of the farm.  The GCF Farm Center is a part of the Goodwill Corporation of Eastern North Carolina. They grow fresh fruits and vegetables year round both in the fields and in their greenhouse and donate 100 percent of ...
Monday, February 24, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4869)/Comments (0)/
NC CORRAL Service Project

NC CORRAL Service Project

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

On February 22nd attended a service at an equine facility called CORRAL in Cary, North Carolina. Brothers started the day with a farm tour where the founders told us more about the history of the organization. After the tour we seeded a couple of the pastures that had been grazed down with rye grass so that the horses will have grass to eat in the spring.  We also got to interact with the horses, most of which were also rescued from bad situations. The CORRAL Riding Academy is a faith ...
Monday, February 24, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4245)/Comments (0)/
Cal Delta Fall Initiation

Cal Delta Fall Initiation

Originally Posted By Krista L. Le Piane

On December 6th, 2013 the Cal Delta Chapter initiated seven new members. This ceremony was held at the end of our Fall Quarter Rush. By immediately taking on new responsibilities and increasing our presence on campus, these new initiates have demonstrated exactly why they were perfect for Alpha Zeta in the first place. Congratulations to our new members! We can’t wait to see what you do with the rest of your time at Cal Poly!
Monday, February 24, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4089)/Comments (0)/
North Carolina Chapter Retreat

North Carolina Chapter Retreat

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

The Friday after Roundtable, all brothers and new members are asked to attend an overnight retreat at Roanoke Christian Service Camp. Twenty-eight brothers and thirteen candidates for membership arrived at the camp on the evening of February 8th.  This is a traditional way to start the week when candidates are introduced to the principles and fundamental ideas behind Alpha Zeta and have an opportunity to meet current brothers. Brothers and candidates ate pizza for dinner. At this time ...
Monday, February 24, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4203)/Comments (0)/

NC Spring 2014 Candidate Education Week!

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

New Member Education Week is held every semester after candidates for membership are chosen. This week started on February 3rd and lasted until Friday February 7th.  The purpose of Candidate Education Week is to teach perspective brothers the importance of teamwork to accomplish a common goal. The candidates are presented with a series of challenges in which they must learn about agriculture, find out information about the fraternity’s history as well as current activities, get to ...
Monday, February 24, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4509)/Comments (0)/
Cal Delta Cookie Fundraiser

Cal Delta Cookie Fundraiser

Originally Posted By Krista L. Le Piane

The Cal Delta Chapter recently put on a Valentine's Day cookie pre-sale fundraiser to raise money for NALC. Actives took orders and then baked over 400 cookies. In addition to being a successful fundraiser, this was a great opportunity for the Cal Delta chapter to increase our presence on campus.
Monday, February 24, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4268)/Comments (0)/