Chapter Activity Reports

Rutgers Homecoming Football Game

Rutgers Homecoming Football Game

Originally Posted By Halli M. James

On October 25-27th, Rutgers University held their annual Homecoming weekend. One of the most exciting parts of the weekend is the football game. Tons of alumni and brothers of the Cook Chapter came together to celebrate Rutgers and have a great time. We all held a barbeque for everyone to eat and catch up and then all went to the game together. It was an awesome afternoon of talking, memories, and cheering on our alma mater. RU RAH RAH!
Thursday, February 27, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3855)/Comments (0)/
Monster Mash

Monster Mash

Originally Posted By Halli M. James

On October 25th, Cook Chapter participated in the annual Rutgers’ Monster Mash. Monster Mash is an event held by Rutgers University that serves as an alternative trick-or-treating activity for the children of New Brunswick. The goal of this program is to provide a safe venue where kids can come dressed up and participate in games and get candy. Clubs and organizations at Rutgers are encouraged to come up with a game or some other type of presentation that the kids can interact ...
Thursday, February 27, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4193)/Comments (0)/
Rutgers Homecoming Bed Races

Rutgers Homecoming Bed Races

Originally Posted By Halli M. James

On October 24, Cook AZ took part in Rutgers 6th Annual Homecoming Charity Bed Races. This event is part of the homecoming week activities at Rutgers. Teams register by donating at least 300 diapers for children and families in need. Teams decorate a bed and then race them down College Avenue, one of the main streets on the Rutgers campus. Many members of Cook AZ came out to watch and support our bed racing team. It was a great opportunity for AZ to make a donation to the New ...
Thursday, February 27, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3911)/Comments (0)/
Gleaning at Giamarese Farms

Gleaning at Giamarese Farms

Originally Posted By Halli M. James

On October 23, Cook AZ took part in a gleaning on Giamarese Farm in East Brunswick, NJ. Leading up to the event, we had a conversation about food as a right and each individual’s responsibility to help those in need. Once we got the farm, we spent several hours going through the field and harvesting sweet corn to donate through the NJ Agricultural Society’s Farmers Against Hunger. We harvested over 3000 lbs of corn to be donated to local families. It was a great service experience ...
Thursday, February 27, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4481)/Comments (0)/
Scarlet Harvest

Scarlet Harvest

Originally Posted By Halli M. James

On October 20th, the Rutgers Alumni Association and the Cook Community Alumni Association held “Scarlet Harvest”, a family friendly event for children of alumni held at the historic Log Cabin and Pavillion on the G.H. Cook Campus. Each child got pick and paint a pumpkin and participate in other fun activities including pumpkin bowling, building pine cone bird feeders, pumpkin relays, and sack/3 legged races. The brothers of the Cook Chapter spent the day volunteering at the event, ...
Thursday, February 27, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4535)/Comments (0)/
Big/Little Olympics

Big/Little Olympics

Originally Posted By Halli M. James

Each semester, Cook Chapter hosts the Big/Little Olympics! The fall semester Olympics were held on October 19th. In this exciting competition, big/little pairs compete for first place in a series of events including blob tag, dodgeball, passing pasta on straws and other fun relay races. This event is awesome for helping new big/little pairs work together and get to know each other. Each Olympics also has a theme, so this semester’s pairs dressed up as superheroes and they did a ...
Thursday, February 27, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (5120)/Comments (0)/
Alumni Event

Alumni Event

Originally Posted By Halli M. James

The purpose of Alumni Event, held on October 19th, was to allow the alumni of the Fraternity of Alpha Zeta to meet the new pledges and share their own experiences with them. Up until this point, the pledges were only aware of the brothers’ experiences as active members, but now the pledges had the opportunity to listen to people who have already completed their time as active brothers and moved on to become active alumni. In addition, this event allowed pledges to meet distant ...
Thursday, February 27, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (5309)/Comments (0)/
Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

Originally Posted By Halli M. James

On October 19, 2013, our new members and brothers went head to head in an Alpha Zeta scavenger hunt! There were a few new members and brothers on each team, and everyone had a couple of hours to take pictures with various things like signs and statues around campus. It was a great was for everyone to learn many of the secret spots on Rutgers' five campuses and explore new places on campus. A lot of fun was had by all and it was a great bonding experience for each new member and ...
Thursday, February 27, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4024)/Comments (0)/
Visit to Ocean Spray Receiving Plant

Visit to Ocean Spray Receiving Plant

Originally Posted By Halli M. James

Cook AZ visited the Ocean Spray receiving plant in Chatsworth, NJ on October 16. We were able to tour the facilities and learn about cranberry processing as well as visit one of their experimental breeding sites and a bog. We learned about breeding for genetic resistance to pests as opposed to using pesticides and maintaining genetic diversity while running a monocultural facility. We were able to watch a harvest from the bog and discussed the different machinery developed ...
Thursday, February 27, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4284)/Comments (0)/
New Member Project

New Member Project

Originally Posted By Halli M. James

On the morning of October 12, we organized a new member service project. This semester we held the project at the Rutgers Gardens, a large garden including various trees, a pine forest, a bamboo grove and many other varieties of plants. The brothers and new members spent several hours working together to mulch and clean portions of the gardens.
Thursday, February 27, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4225)/Comments (0)/