Chapter Activity Reports

Florida Chapter Trivia Night

Florida Chapter Trivia Night

Originally Posted By Alexa J. Bledsoe

Last Tuesday night, March 11 we participated in a local Applebee's trivia night as a social event. We figured our difference in majors would make us a competitive team that would do well. We had some good rounds and not so good rounds. (The first category was Disney movie: Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century. Needless to say we got off to a rough start) However, in the end we all had a great time and realized quirky traits about each other. A great time was had by all, and there will definitely ...
Monday, March 17, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3820)/Comments (0)/
The Southernmost Chapter!

The Southernmost Chapter!

Originally Posted By Jennifer N. Glass

The brothers of the Florida chapter commenced their first day in Key West by visiting the island's various must-see stops. First off the Ernest Hemingway house, where we ran into some polydactyl felines (six-toed cats)! Then we moseyed on down to the southernmost point of the continental US and struck pose for the camera at the colorful, concrete buoy denoting only 90 miles to Cuba. Feeling parched from the afternoon sun and the long walk, some of our brothers decided to purchase coconut ...
Friday, March 14, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4392)/Comments (0)/
Sunset with Brothers

Sunset with Brothers

Originally Posted By Carolyn A. Huntley

From amazing food to fortune tellers to 10ft-tall-unicycle-riding-fire-juggling street performers, Mallory Square has it all in the early evening. Yet, all the theatrics pale in comparison to the awesome beauty that is the "southernmost" sunset. Fourteen of our brothers traveled to Key West for a week of service in both the marine coasts and local community. I, among the 14, most enjoyed the group of us experiencing the lasts moments of the day together in such a wonderful place. The sunset ...
Thursday, March 13, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3882)/Comments (0)/
Community Outreach

Community Outreach

Originally Posted By Angely S. Jimenez

Brothers of the Florida chapter spent a day giving back to the community of Key West during our service trip to Key West. St. Paul's Episcopal Church lies in the heart of Duval Street, the main street of Key West. Although the church has undergone several renovations, it has been in the same spot since 1831. This church is both a landmark and a sanctuary for the natives of Key West. One of the days during the trip was dedicated to giving back to the community of Key West. My brothers and I spent a day beautifying this historic landmark. I was involved with painting the porch of the antebellum house once used to house generations of priests, but is now used as a community gathering for various events, such as book clubs and children’s choir. I also assisted my fellow brothers in wiping down the pews of the open-air church. Other brothers focused on cleaning up the grounds by raking and cutting down old palm leaves. Needless to say, it felt great giving back to this historic community, and even more to such a beautiful and sacred church. 
Tuesday, March 11, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4415)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter Devil's Milhopper Social

Florida Chapter Devil's Milhopper Social

Originally Posted By Alexa J. Bledsoe

The Saturday before spring break, the Florida chapter visited Devil's Milhopper. It is important for our members to have the opportunity to take part in some of the history Florida has to offer. Devil's Milhopper is a National Natural Landmark, a sinkhole with a few trails right here in Alachua county. It was a gorgeous day and our members had a blast adventuring together.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3646)/Comments (0)/
New Member Education-Big/Little Reveal

New Member Education-Big/Little Reveal

Originally Posted By Sara K. Orlowski

Our new member orientation is designed to strengthen the connection between the new members and to educate them on the traditions and history of Alpha Zeta. Over the past three weeks, active and new members alike have participated in events such as a pizza hunt and a campus scavenger hunt ending with our Big/Little reveal this past Thursday. New members are each matched with a big brother and sister to guide them through the rest of the pledging process. Our new members were very excited to ...
Monday, March 10, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4174)/Comments (0)/

New Member Camping Trip

Originally Posted By Sara K. Orlowski

The beginning of the Cornell new member orientation always starts off with a fun camping trip for new members to bond with each other and to meet active members. This year our new members had a great time camping out in a yurt at the Hoffman Challenge Course. After enjoying delicious hot chocolate and listening to active members tell stories about our chapter and its history, the new members tried out some team building exercises. It was a great time for everyone despite the cold weather of ...
Monday, March 10, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4093)/Comments (0)/
Elevator Speeches and Interview Preparation

Elevator Speeches and Interview Preparation

Originally Posted By Christine M. Adams

At our last meeting, members of the Florida Chapter learned innovative ways to present themselves while networking and interviewing! The presenter, Milton Newberry, is a current Ph.D. candidate and Graduate Teaching Assistant at the University of Florida. He is well-known to many AZ members who have take AEC3030- Effective Oral Communication, a course required by UF's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Part of the presentation was about "elevator speeches:" a concise, straightforward ...
Saturday, March 8, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4735)/Comments (0)/

New Member Retreat

Originally Posted By Halli M. James

This semester’s new member retreat, held on February 8th, was a more laid back welcoming event on the morning after Big/Little Night. The new members were able to engage in a casual discussion with both the e-board and each other about the requirements for initiation and any other questions they may have about AZ. The primary purpose of this event was to establish a stronger connection between new members since they were all now officially committed to the Fraternity of Alpha Zeta. ...
Thursday, February 27, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4282)/Comments (0)/
Big/Little Night

Big/Little Night

Originally Posted By Halli M. James

On February 7th, 2014, Cook Chapter of Alpha Zeta held a Big/Little night. The new members were paired with their Big Brothers, who will guide them through the pledging process for the semester. Alumni and brothers came together to welcome their new additions into the family. The new member class learned the local and national history of AZ and they got to hear personal stories from the members of AZ. Everyone had a great time mingling with each other and getting to know each ...
Thursday, February 27, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4521)/Comments (0)/