Chapter Activity Reports

Cornell Chapter National Initiation Fall 2014

Originally Posted By Natasha A. Bartolotta

On October 18, 2014 the Cornell Chapter held the formal initiation ceremony in which 14 of our active members were nationally initiated. We also welcomed Richard Ball, the commissioner of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, to be initiated as an associate member. Members of our chapter who have already been nationally initiated were in attendance as well as many alumni. 
Wednesday, October 29, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4201)/Comments (0)/
Cal Epsilon Fall 2014 Pinning Ceremony

Cal Epsilon Fall 2014 Pinning Ceremony

Originally Posted By Caitlin E. O'Connell

Alpha Zeta Cal Epsilon held pinning ceremony on October 21, 2014 at a nearby restaurant. We had an outstanding 24 of our 25 new members get pinned on Tuesday night. This is one of the largest new member classes that we have ever had. We look forward to see what the bright group of individuals bring to our chapter. They are only a few weeks in to their new member process and are already super involved! Keep up the great work members!
Wednesday, October 29, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (5048)/Comments (0)/
Cal Epsilon Chapter attends the Animal Science Welcome Back BBQ

Cal Epsilon Chapter attends the Animal Science Welcome Back BBQ

Originally Posted By Caitlin E. O'Connell

On October 14th, the Animal Science and Agricultural Education (ASAE) Department hosted their annual Welcome Back BBQ. This year, ASAE clubs were invited to showcase an educational display for their organization. Alpha Zeta Cal Epsilon attended and participated in a "Down on the Farm Game" which allowed us to meet various individuals within our department. It got a little windy out there, but member did a good job getting people involved!
Wednesday, October 29, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4697)/Comments (0)/
North Carolina Service Event

North Carolina Service Event

Originally Posted By Jamie L. DeRose

Last Friday, 15 of our Brothers helped serve our community through the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle Mobile Market.  The Mobile Market is a direct distribution of fresh produce and groceries in a low income neighborhood.  A refrigerated truck was brought to the center, and our Brothers helped sort and bag groceries that people could pick up for free.  This set up allows families to “shop” for foods they enjoy. Not only did this Service Event help us assist our local community, but it also put ...
Tuesday, October 28, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4319)/Comments (0)/
Puerto Rico Chapter Rambutan Sell for Fundraising

Puerto Rico Chapter Rambutan Sell for Fundraising

Originally Posted By Jaileen Rivera Montes De Oca

The purpouse of the rambutan collection was to sell them at college to gain funds for Alpha Zeta. On Monday 20th of October, we sold rambutans at the prices of $4.00 a pack of 20 units, and $0.25 the lone unit.  Though we started out in the Piñero building, we sent a few packs to the Student Center, to try out our luck. As it happens, it was a total success. Many people tasted the fruit for their very first time, admitting that they didn’t even know the exotic fruit existed and comparing it ...
Tuesday, October 28, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4649)/Comments (0)/
Puerto Rico Chapter Rambutan Pickup

Puerto Rico Chapter Rambutan Pickup

Originally Posted By Ezequiel MontaƱez Rivera

On October 19th our chapter went to Dr. Custodio's farm and collected over 2,000 rambutans (we lost count) to sell the next day. We were collecting and packaging rambutans from 12:00pm to 5:00pm. All the rambutans were donated by Dr. Custodio who is a retired animal science professor and always of great help to our Chapter. We had three pledges attend and we could see that they are hard workers dedicated to learning something new everyday.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4795)/Comments (0)/
Puerto Rico Chapter first pledge meeting and orientation

Puerto Rico Chapter first pledge meeting and orientation

Originally Posted By Ezequiel MontaƱez Rivera

This meeting was held on October 16th . The pledges were given a brief history of our Fraternity. We discussed various past activities that our chapter had done and future activities that we are planning, we also told them all the requisites that the pledges have to complete in order to be initiated. At the end of the meeting we had some pastries and the pledges were able to talk freely and ask questions to our members.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4365)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter Service Event at Kanapaha Botanical Gardens

Florida Chapter Service Event at Kanapaha Botanical Gardens

Originally Posted By Alexis Z. Curtin

On Sunday, October 19, brothers of the Florida Chapter spent the morning beautifying the grounds of Kanapaha Botanical Gardens.  Only 15 minutes away from campus, our local botanical garden holds the state's largest public collection of bamboo species, attracting visitors from near and far.  While our work consisted of lots and lots of weeding, we made a tremendous difference and had fun in the process!  Our work was well-timed and much appreciated by the staff of the gardens, as they needed ...
Tuesday, October 28, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3823)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter Road Clean-Up

Florida Chapter Road Clean-Up

Originally Posted By Alexis Z. Curtin

On Monday, October 13, brothers of the Florida Chapter participated in a road clean-up.  Through Gainesville's Adopt-A-Street program, our chapter was designated a portion of a street to clean 8 times per year.  It's always fun to see what kind of treasures we find while cleaning our road, and this time was no different!  Members of our pledge class had completed a road clean-up a couple of weeks before, and we were impressed with how clean our road stayed in between events.  Hopefully our ...
Tuesday, October 28, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3921)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter Ronald McDonald House Service Event

Florida Chapter Ronald McDonald House Service Event

Originally Posted By Alexis Z. Curtin

On Monday, September 29, brothers of the Florida Chapter participated in our local Ronald McDonald House's Sweets and Treats program.  We brought our own ingredients and baked several dozen cookies and brownies in one of the house's communal kitchens.  At the end of the night, we bagged up the baked goods and put them in baskets for residents to take with them to their loved ones receiving care at Shands Hospital.  It was extremely rewarding to take part in a program like this, and we were ...
Tuesday, October 28, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (3921)/Comments (0)/