Chapter Activity Reports

Florida Chapter Pledges at Ronald McDonald House

Florida Chapter Pledges at Ronald McDonald House

Originally Posted By Angely S. Jimenez

On November 2nd pledges went to the Ronald McDonald House to partake in the "Sweets N' Treats" program, where they made brownies and cookies for roughly 30 families. The pledge class completely supplied the ingredients for the event, each bringing in two items. By the time it was over, the pledges had made two batches of brownies, one batch of peanut butter cookies, two batches of Funfetti mini muffins, two batches of sugar cookies, and two batches of chocolate chip cookies. Everything they ...
Sunday, November 2, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4084)/Comments (0)/

Cornell Chapter Celebrates Halloween!

Originally Posted By Natasha A. Bartolotta

The past week was the last week of October, so of course that only meant one thing...scary movies! In the spirit of Halloween, we gathered in our formal room to watch popular horror movies together. Transforming the room into a mini-movie theater, we cuddled up on the couches and tried not to get too scared. With movies such as the Blair Witch and Dead Silence we were sure in for a fright-filled week. After three nights of terror we decided to go with a more festive movie on Thursday night, ...
Sunday, November 2, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4424)/Comments (0)/

Cornell Showing of Farmland

Originally Posted By Natasha A. Bartolotta

On Monday, October 27 the Cornell Cinema on campus showed the movie Farmland. This documentary follows the lives of farmers and ranchers in their 20's who are all responsible for running their farming business. Taking viewers directly inside the world of young farmers, this is a great movie for those who do not know much about the people who grow their food. Back in September, when we held our Beef-A-Polouza event in association with the Beef Checkoff, we promoted the viewing of Farmland to ...
Sunday, November 2, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4670)/Comments (0)/
Montana Chapter's New Board!

Montana Chapter's New Board!

Originally Posted By Krysta M. Quale

May I present the 2014-2015 Alpha Zeta-Montana Chapter board! Starting in the back row on the left is Andrew Gould our chancellor, followed by the president, Maria Goettemoeller, our scribe Dana Dale, and our college of agriculture student council representative Isaac Christensen.  In the front row from left to right is Krysta Quale, our chronicler, Charsi Workman our treasurer, and Taylor Brown our other college of agriculture student council representative.  The Montana Chapter has a ...
Sunday, November 2, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4202)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter: Pledge Fundraising @ Coldstone!

Florida Chapter: Pledge Fundraising @ Coldstone!

Originally Posted By Angely S. Jimenez

On Oct. 27 through Oct. 29, our pledge class flyered for several hours to promote our fundraising event that happened on Wednesday at Coldstone creamery. We handed out flyers on campus to friends, professors, and classmates. It was a great opportunity for our pledge members to get involved and introduce Alpha Zeta to people. On Oct. 29, Wednesday, our pledge class held the fundraising event at Coldstone creamery from noon until 10 P.M. where the 10 percent of total day sale goes towards our ...
Sunday, November 2, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4277)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter: Feeding the Gator Good Service/Fundraiser

Florida Chapter: Feeding the Gator Good Service/Fundraiser

Originally Posted By Angely S. Jimenez

Feeding the Gator Good was a student run campaign with a goal of initiating conversation with other students on the University of Florida campus outside of CALS about agriculture. Surveys were given out in order to ascertain the student body's perception on agriculture and how it affects their life. A chalk board was set up with the title "Agriculture is..." and allowed students to fill in what they believed agriculture meant to them. A white board was near it that asked "How can agriculture ...
Sunday, November 2, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4860)/Comments (0)/
Cornell Chapter: All You Can Carry Pumpkins and Carving!

Cornell Chapter: All You Can Carry Pumpkins and Carving!

Originally posted By Natasha A. Bartolotta

In the festive spirit of October, members of our chapter headed to a local pumpkin patch to take advantage of a special deal on pumpkins.There was one catch had to take as many pumpkins as you could carry in your own hands. Our determined actives took on the challenge and worked together to bring home 33 pumpkins! With all these pumpkins we were able to spend the rest of the afternoon in the front yard carving to our hearts content. A few pumpkins were carved as traditional ...
Sunday, November 2, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4358)/Comments (0)/
Cornell Chapter: Initiation Weekend Fall 2014

Cornell Chapter: Initiation Weekend Fall 2014

Originally Posted By Natasha A. Bartolotta

Friday, October 24 marked this fall's official initiation ceremony and the end of a successful new member orientation period. After all their time learning the traditions and history of Alpha Zeta both nationally and in our chapter, we are so happy to welcome 7 new members into our fraternity. The formal ceremony took place on Friday night after which each new active was given a special present from their bigs: their very own custom made sweatshirt with AZ letters on it. Each big pair ...
Sunday, November 2, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4357)/Comments (0)/
Cornell Homecoming Weekend

Cornell Homecoming Weekend

Originally Posted By Natasha A. Bartolotta

The weekend of October 12-19th was Cornell's Homecoming weekend, bringing many proud alumni back to Ithaca. Our own Alpha Zeta alumni came from all over to spend some time at our house. The weekend started off with a few recently graduated alumni flying in from as far away as Georgia and Florida to come reunite with each other and current alumni. On Saturday, recent graduates as well as alumni of all ages came to our house to enjoy a delicious lunch prepared by our chef and to participate in ...
Sunday, November 2, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4324)/Comments (0)/

Cornell Chapter's 113th Annual Meeting

Originally Posted By Natasha A. Bartolotta

October 18th, 2014 marked the 113th Alpha Zeta annual meeting at the Cornell Chapter. The meeting was located at our house and was conducted after enjoying a delicious lunch prepared by our house chef.. Many alumni and current members were present as well as representatives from our Corporation Board, High Council and CALS Charitable Trust. Our Chancellor gave a report on what activities our chapter has been doing this past year. Reports were given from the Corporation Board and from the ...
Wednesday, October 29, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4484)/Comments (0)/